AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification Kit: Associate SAA-C01 Exam
暫譯: AWS 認證解決方案架構師認證套件:助理 SAA-C01 考試

Ben Piper, David Clinton, Brett McLaughlin




Study, practice, review

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification Kit includes the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide and AWS Certified Solutions Architect Practice Tests book. Both books work in tandem to prepare you for exam day. The Study Guide comes with two custom practice tests, PLUS the Practice Tests book provides five additional, unique practice tests, all covering the five AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam objective domains--Designing Resilient Architectures, Defining Performant Architectures, Specifying Secure Applications and Architectures, Designing Cost-Optimized Architectures, Defining Operationally--as well as one additional practice exam, for a total of 1,000 practice test questions.

Plus, the accompanying interactive online learning environment and test bank makes it easier for you to study on the go, whenever and where you want

  • Assessment test and chapter tests
  • Practice exam questions
  • Hundreds of electronic flashcards
  • PDF of the Glossary of Terms

If you're looking to take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam, this kit is what you need for comprehensive content and robust study tools that will help you gain an edge on exam day.



AWS 認證解決方案架構師認證套件包含了AWS 認證解決方案架構師學習指南AWS 認證解決方案架構師練習測驗書籍。這兩本書相輔相成,幫助你為考試日做好準備。學習指南附帶兩個自訂練習測驗,此外,練習測驗書還提供五個額外的獨特練習測驗,所有測驗涵蓋五個 AWS 認證解決方案架構師助理考試的目標領域——設計彈性架構、定義效能架構、指定安全應用程式和架構、設計成本最佳化架構、定義運營——以及一個額外的練習考試,總共提供 1,000 道練習測驗題目。


  • 評估測驗和章節測驗

  • 練習考題

  • 數百張電子閃卡

  • 術語詞彙表的 PDF

如果你打算參加 AWS 認證解決方案架構師助理考試,這個套件是你所需的全面內容和強大的學習工具,將幫助你在考試日獲得優勢。


David Clinton (Toronto, Ontario) is a system administrator, teacher, and writer. He has administered, written about, and created training material for many important technology subjects including Linux systems, cloud computing (AWS in particular), and container technologies like Docker. He's the author of Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches (Manning, 2017) and Linux in Action (Manning, 2018). Many of his video training courses can be found on, and links to his other books (on Linux administration and server virtualization) can be found at

Ben Piper (Summerville, SC) is an IT consultant who has authored over 20 courses covering Amazon Web Services, networking, Puppet, and Windows Server Administration. You can contact Ben by visiting his website,

Brett McLaughlin (Dallas, TX) has been working in technology for over 20 years. Today, Brett works in cloud computing, focusing on scalable cloud platforms and staging and distributing petabyte-scale data stores. His experience leading projects on contracts with NASA and Amazon Web Services in particular has given him unique vision and expertise in the practical concerns of cloud-based architectures and large data sets. Throughout, he remains a hands-on, informed leader with the ability to program and fix problems with his own hands, while still staying focused on defining and executing large visions within extraordinary organizations and with teams ranging from 1 to 100. Brett is the author of Java and XML (O'Reilly Media) as well as a number of additional books on programming and XML, most notably Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (also O'Reilly Media).


大衛·克林頓(安大略省多倫多)是一位系統管理員、教師和作家。他曾管理、撰寫以及創建許多重要技術主題的培訓材料,包括 Linux 系統、雲計算(特別是 AWS)以及像 Docker 這樣的容器技術。他是《Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches》(Manning, 2017)和《Linux in Action》(Manning, 2018)的作者。他的許多視頻培訓課程可以在 上找到,關於他其他書籍(有關 Linux 管理和伺服器虛擬化)的鏈接可以在 上找到。

本·派珀(南卡羅來納州薩默維爾)是一位 IT 顧問,撰寫了超過 20 門課程,涵蓋 Amazon Web Services、網絡、Puppet 和 Windows Server 管理。您可以通過訪問他的網站 聯繫本。

布雷特·麥克勞克林(德克薩斯州達拉斯)在技術領域工作超過 20 年。如今,布雷特專注於雲計算,專注於可擴展的雲平台以及階段性和分發 PB 級數據存儲。他在與 NASA 和 Amazon Web Services 的合同項目中領導的經驗,使他在雲架構和大型數據集的實際問題上擁有獨特的視野和專業知識。在整個過程中,他仍然是一位實幹的、知情的領導者,能夠親自編程和解決問題,同時專注於在卓越的組織內定義和執行大型願景,並與從 1 到 100 的團隊合作。布雷特是《Java and XML》(O'Reilly Media)以及多本有關編程和 XML 的書籍的作者,最著名的是《Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design》(同樣是 O'Reilly Media)。