Provides nine unique practice tests, totaling over a 1000 questions, and covering the nine CompTIA A+ objective domains for Exams 220-1001 and 22010902. PLUS the book includes two additional 90-question practice exams (180 questions total) -- 1200 practice test questions in all!
This book helps you gain the confidence you need for taking the two required CompTIA A+ Exam 220-1001 and Exam 220-1002 in order to earn your certification. The practice test questions prepare you for test success.
Coverage of all exam objective domains includes:
- Hardware
- Networking
- Mobile Devices
- Hardware and Network Troubleshooting
- Windows Operating Systems
- Other Operating Systems and Technologies
- Security
- Software Troubleshooting
- Operational Procedures
提供九個獨特的練習測驗,總計超過1000題,涵蓋CompTIA A+考試220-1001和220-1002的九個目標領域。此外,本書還包括兩個額外的90題練習考試(共180題)——總共1200題練習測驗問題!
本書幫助您獲得參加兩個必需的CompTIA A+考試220-1001和220-1002所需的信心,以獲得您的認證。練習測驗問題為您準備考試成功。
- 硬體
- 網路
- 行動裝置
- 硬體和網路故障排除
- Windows作業系統
- 其他作業系統和技術
- 安全性
- 軟體故障排除
- 操作程序