Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0

Christian Nagel




The professional’s guide to C# 7, with expert guidance on the newest features

Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 provides experienced programmers with the information they need to work effectively with the world’s leading programming language. The latest C# update added many new features that help you get more done in less time, and this book is your ideal guide for getting up to speed quickly. C# 7 focuses on data consumption, code simplification, and performance, with new support for local functions, tuple types, record types, pattern matching, non-nullable reference types, immutable types, and better support for variables. Improvements to Visual Studio will bring significant changes to the way C# developers interact with the space, bringing .NET to non-Microsoft platforms and incorporating tools from other platforms like Docker, Gulp, and NPM. Guided by a leading .NET expert and steeped in real-world practicality, this guide is designed to get you up to date and back to work.

With Microsoft speeding up its release cadence while offering more significant improvement with each update, it has never been more important to get a handle on new tools and features quickly. This book is designed to do just that, and more—everything you need to know about C# is right here, in the single-volume resource on every developer’s shelf.

  • Tour the many new and enhanced features packed into C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0
  • Learn how the latest Visual Studio update makes developers’ jobs easier
  • Streamline your workflow with a new focus on code simplification and performance enhancement
  • Delve into improvements made for localization, networking, diagnostics, deployments, and more

Whether you’re entirely new to C# or just transitioning to C# 7, having a solid grasp of the latest features allows you to exploit the language’s full functionality to create robust, high -quality apps. Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 is the one-stop guide to everything you need to know.


《C# 7 專業指南:最新功能的專家指導》

《Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0》提供經驗豐富的程式設計師所需的資訊,以有效地使用全球領先的程式語言。最新的 C# 更新增加了許多新功能,幫助您在更短的時間內完成更多工作,而本書是您快速上手的理想指南。C# 7 著重於資料消耗、程式碼簡化和效能,新增了對本地函數、元組類型、記錄類型、模式匹配、非可為空引用類型、不可變類型以及更好的變數支援。Visual Studio 的改進將帶來對 C# 開發人員與空間互動方式的重大變化,將 .NET 帶到非 Microsoft 平台,並整合來自其他平台的工具,如 Docker、Gulp 和 NPM。本書由領先的 .NET 專家指導,融合實際應用,旨在讓您保持最新並回到工作崗位。

隨著微軟加快發布節奏並在每次更新中提供更重大的改進,迅速掌握新工具和功能變得更加重要。本書旨在實現這一目標,並提供更多——您需要了解的關於 C# 的一切都在這裡,這是每位開發人員書架上的單一資源。

- 介紹 C# 7 和 .NET Core 2.0 中的許多新功能和增強功能
- 學習最新的 Visual Studio 更新如何讓開發人員的工作更輕鬆
- 通過專注於程式碼簡化和效能增強來優化工作流程
- 深入研究本地化、網絡、診斷、部署等方面的改進

無論您是完全新手還是正在過渡到 C# 7,瞭解最新功能能讓您充分利用語言的全部功能來創建堅固、高質量的應用程式。《Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0》是您需要了解的一站式指南。