Comprehensive, hands-on prep for the latest PMP exam
PMP Project Management Professional Exam Deluxe Study Guide, Third Edition, is your ultimate resource for one-stop exam preparation. Fully updated to reflect the latest version of the PMP exam, this guide provides coverage of the entire exam outline, with clear explanations every step of the way. Expanded coverage of AGILE includes the basic principles, value-driven delivery, stakeholder engagement, team performance, adaptive planning, problem detection and resolution, and continuous improvement to align with the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® 6th Edition) and its increased emphasis on agile, adaptive and iterative practices. Each chapter includes hands-on scenarios that help you internalize essential PMP concepts, and "How This Applies to Your Current Project" sidebars illustrate real-world applications of important project management practices. You also get a year of FREE access to the Sybex interactive online learning environment, featuring an assessment test, electronic flashcards, practice questions, and audio review; with this new edition, you also get access to free eBooks and bonus chapter resources to supplement your learning and deepen your understanding. Two bonus practice CAPM exams are provided for those studying for the Certified Associate level exam, and 30 days of free video training at ITProTV provides access to over 20 hours of hands-on PMP practice.
If you are serious about earning your PMP certification, you have to be serious about prep. This guide is packed with resources, information, and the tools you need to succeed on the big day.
- Master 100 percent of the exam objectives, including expanded coverage of agile
- Practice applying your skills to real-world workplace scenarios
- Access online practice questions, flashcards, and two bonus CAPM exams
The PMP certification is recognized around the world for validating the most in-demand skillset in today's IT marketplace. When you’re ready to take on the challenge, the PMP Project Management Professional Exam Deluxe Study Guide is your one-stop resource for success.
全面、實作的最新 PMP 考試準備
PMP 專案管理專業人員考試豪華學習指南(第三版) 是您一站式考試準備的終極資源。此指南已全面更新,以反映最新版本的 PMP 考試,涵蓋整個考試大綱,並在每一步提供清晰的解釋。擴展的 AGILE 覆蓋內容包括基本原則、價值驅動交付、利害關係人參與、團隊表現、適應性規劃、問題檢測與解決以及持續改進,以符合專案管理知識體指南(PMBOK® 第六版)及其對敏捷、適應性和迭代實踐的更大重視。每一章都包含實作情境,幫助您內化重要的 PMP 概念,而「這如何應用於您的當前專案」的側邊欄則說明了重要專案管理實踐的實際應用。您還可以獲得一年的免費訪問 Sybex 互動線上學習環境,該環境提供評估測試、電子閃卡、練習題和音頻回顧;在這個新版本中,您還可以獲得免費電子書和額外章節資源,以補充您的學習並加深理解。為準備認證助理級別考試的學習者提供兩個額外的 CAPM 練習考試,並且 ITProTV 提供 30 天的免費視頻訓練,讓您可以訪問超過 20 小時的實作 PMP 練習。
如果您認真想獲得 PMP 認證,您必須認真對待準備工作。這本指南充滿了資源、資訊和您在大日子成功所需的工具。
- 掌握 100% 的考試目標,包括擴展的敏捷內容
- 練習將您的技能應用於現實工作場景
- 訪問線上練習題、閃卡和兩個額外的 CAPM 考試
PMP 認證在全球範圍內被認可,驗證當今 IT 市場上最受需求的技能組合。當您準備好迎接挑戰時,PMP 專案管理專業人員考試豪華學習指南 是您成功的一站式資源。