Master the fundamentals of SPSS with this newly updated and instructive resource
The newly and thoroughly revised Second Edition of SPSS Essentials delivers a comprehensive guide for students in the social sciences who wish to learn how to use the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for the effective collection, management, and analysis of data. The accomplished researchers and authors provide readers with the practical nuts and bolts of SPSS usage and data entry, with a particular emphasis on managing and manipulating data.
The book offers an introduction to SPSS, how to navigate it, and a discussion of how to understand the data the reader is working with. It also covers inferential statistics, including topics like hypothesis testing, one-sample Z-testing, T-testing, ANOVAs, correlations, and regression. Five unique appendices round out the text, providing readers with discussions of dealing with real-world data, troubleshooting, advanced data manipulations, and new workbook activities.
SPSS Essentials offers a wide variety of features, including:
- A revised chapter order, designed to match the pacing and content of typical undergraduate statistics classes
- An explanation of when particular inferential statistics are appropriate for use, given the nature of the data being worked with
- Additional material on understanding your data sample, including discussions of SPSS output and how to find the most relevant information
- A companion website offering additional problem sets, complete with answers
Perfect for undergraduate students of the social sciences who are just getting started with SPSS, SPSS Essentials also belongs on the bookshelves of advanced placement high school students and practitioners in social science who want to brush up on the fundamentals of this powerful and flexible software package.
掌握 SPSS 的基本原理,透過這本全新更新且具啟發性的資源
《SPSS Essentials》第二版經過全面修訂,為社會科學領域的學生提供了一本全面的指南,幫助他們學習如何使用社會科學統計套件 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, SPSS) 來有效地收集、管理和分析數據。這些成功的研究者和作者為讀者提供了 SPSS 使用和數據輸入的實用細節,特別強調數據的管理和操作。
本書介紹了 SPSS 的基本概念、如何導航以及如何理解讀者正在處理的數據。它還涵蓋了推論統計,包括假設檢定、單樣本 Z 檢定、T 檢定、ANOVA、相關性和回歸等主題。五個獨特的附錄補充了文本,提供了處理現實世界數據、故障排除、高級數據操作和新的工作簿活動的討論。
《SPSS Essentials》提供了多種功能,包括:
- 修訂的章節順序,旨在與典型的本科統計課程的節奏和內容相匹配
- 解釋在處理特定數據時,何時適合使用特定的推論統計
- 有關理解數據樣本的附加材料,包括對 SPSS 輸出的討論以及如何找到最相關的信息
- 附屬網站提供額外的問題集,並附有答案
《SPSS Essentials》非常適合剛開始接觸 SPSS 的社會科學本科生,同時也適合希望複習這款強大且靈活的軟體包基本原理的高級中學學生和社會科學從業者。
JOHN T. KULAS, PhD, is a Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Montclair State University in Montclair, NJ, United States.
RENATA GARCIA PRIETO PALACIOS ROJI, MA, is a PhD candidate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Montclair State University in Montclair, NJ, United States.
ADAM M. SMITH, PhD, is an associate consultant at Kincentric and adjunct instructor at Wentworth Institute of Technology and Harvard University.
約翰·T·庫拉斯(JOHN T. KULAS, PhD)是美國新澤西州蒙特克萊爾州立大學(Montclair State University)工業與組織心理學的教授。
雷娜塔·加西亞·普列托·帕拉西奧斯·羅希(RENATA GARCIA PRIETO PALACIOS ROJI, MA)是美國新澤西州蒙特克萊爾州立大學(Montclair State University)工業與組織心理學的博士候選人。
亞當·M·史密斯(ADAM M. SMITH, PhD)是Kincentric的副顧問,並擔任溫特沃斯科技學院(Wentworth Institute of Technology)和哈佛大學(Harvard University)的兼任講師。