CompTIA Security+ Deluxe Study Guide, Fourth Edition is the ultimate preparation resource for Exam SY0-501. Fully updated to cover 100% of the latest exam, this book is packed with essential information on critical security concepts including architecture and design, attacks and vulnerabilities, identity and access management, cryptography and PKI, risk management, and more. Real-world examples allow you to practice your skills and apply your knowledge in situations you'll encounter on the job, while insights from a security expert provide wisdom based on years of experience. The Sybex online learning environment allows you to study anytime, anywhere, with access to eBooks in multiple formats, glossary of key terms, flashcards, and more. Take the pre-assessment test to more efficiently focus your study time, and gauge your progress along the way with hundreds of practice questions that show you what to expect on the exam.
The CompTIA Security+ certification is your first step toward a highly in-demand skillset. Fully approved and endorsed by CompTIA, this guide contains everything you need for complete and comprehensive preparation.
- Master 100% of the objectives for the new Exam SY0-501
- Apply your knowledge to examples based on real-world scenarios
- Understand threats, vulnerabilities, cryptography, system security, and more
- Access an online preparation toolkit so you can study on the go
A CompTIA Security+ certification says that you have the knowledge and skills to secure applications, networks, and devices; analyze and respond to threats; participate in risk mitigation, and much more. Employers are desperately searching for people like you, and the demand will only continue to grow. CompTIA Security+ Deluxe Study Guide, Fourth Edition gives you the thorough preparation you need to clear the exam and get on with your career.
實用、簡潔且完整—終極的 CompTIA Security+ 準備指南
CompTIA Security+ 豪華學習指南,第四版 是針對考試 SY0-501 的終極準備資源。此書已全面更新,涵蓋最新考試的 100% 內容,並提供有關關鍵安全概念的基本資訊,包括架構與設計、攻擊與漏洞、身份與存取管理、密碼學與 PKI、風險管理等。真實世界的範例讓您能夠練習技能並在工作中應用知識,而安全專家的見解則提供基於多年經驗的智慧。Sybex 在線學習環境讓您隨時隨地學習,並可訪問多種格式的電子書、關鍵術語詞彙表、抽認卡等。參加預評估測試以更有效地集中學習時間,並透過數百道練習題來評估您的進度,讓您了解考試的期望。
CompTIA Security+ 認證是您邁向高度需求技能組合的第一步。此指南經 CompTIA 完全批准和認可,包含您所需的所有完整和全面的準備內容。
- 掌握 新 考試 SY0-501 的 100% 目標
- 將您的知識應用於基於真實世界情境的範例
- 了解威脅、漏洞、密碼學、系統安全等
- 訪問在線準備工具包,以便隨時隨地學習
CompTIA Security+ 認證表明您具備保護應用程式、網絡和設備的知識與技能;分析和應對威脅;參與風險緩解等。雇主迫切尋找像您這樣的人才,需求只會持續增長。CompTIA Security+ 豪華學習指南,第四版 為您提供通過考試和推進職業生涯所需的全面準備。