CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Certification Kit: Exams 100 - 105, 200 - 105, 200 - 125 (CCNA 路由與交換完整認證套件:考試 100 - 105, 200 - 105, 200 - 125)
Todd Lammle
The CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Certification Kit, 2nd Edition contains the CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Deluxe Study Guide, 2nd Edition and the CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Review Guide, 2nd Edition covering the revised version 3.0 ICND1, ICND2, and CCNA Composite exams, 100-105, 200-105, and 200-125. This complete study package provides 100% coverage of all exam objectives, with expert guidance from leading Cisco networking authority Todd Lammle—guiding you through a robust overview of the CCNA exam. Practice and review with the Sybex superior set of study tools including: real-world scenarios, objective maps, assessment tests, and chapter tests. Gain hands on experience with the Sybex interactive learning environment that offers over 1,300 flashcards and practice test questions for last minute review, a searchable glossary with key terms, and a free eBook in multiple formats.
The CCNA Routing and Switching exams test your understanding of IP data networks, LAN switching, IP addressing and routing, WAN technologies, network security, and more. This Complete kit covers it all to give you the information and practice you need to be confident on exam day.
- Master all objectives of the latest versions of exams
- Get hands-on practice with virtual labs
- Preview the exam with online practice tests
《CCNA路由和交換完整認證套件》,第二版包含《CCNA路由和交換完整豪華學習指南》,第二版和《CCNA路由和交換完整評估指南》,第二版,涵蓋修訂版3.0的ICND1、ICND2和CCNA綜合考試,100-105、200-105和200-125。這個完整的學習套件提供了100%的考試目標覆蓋率,由領先的思科網絡權威Todd Lammle提供專家指導,引導您全面了解CCNA考試。使用Sybex優秀的學習工具進行練習和複習,包括:真實場景、目標地圖、評估測試和章節測試。通過Sybex互動學習環境獲得實踐經驗,該環境提供超過1,300張單詞卡和練習測試問題,供臨時複習使用,還有一個可搜索的詞彙表和多種格式的免費電子書。
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