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The ultimate preparation guide for the unique CEH exam.
The CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide is your ideal companion for CEH v9 exam preparation. This comprehensive, in-depth review of CEH certification requirements is designed to help you internalize critical information using concise, to-the-point explanations and an easy-to-follow approach to the material. Covering all sections of the exam, the discussion highlights essential topics like intrusion detection, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, and malware creation in detail, and puts the concepts into the context of real-world scenarios. Each chapter is mapped to the corresponding exam objective for easy reference, and the Exam Essentials feature helps you identify areas in need of further study. You also get access to online study tools including chapter review questions, full-length practice exams, hundreds of electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms to help you ensure full mastery of the exam material.
The Certified Ethical Hacker is one-of-a-kind in the cybersecurity sphere, allowing you to delve into the mind of a hacker for a unique perspective into penetration testing. This guide is your ideal exam preparation resource, with specific coverage of all CEH objectives and plenty of practice material.
- Review all CEH v9 topics systematically
- Reinforce critical skills with hands-on exercises
- Learn how concepts apply in real-world scenarios
- Identify key proficiencies prior to the exam
The CEH certification puts you in professional demand, and satisfies the Department of Defense's 8570 Directive for all Information Assurance government positions. Not only is it a highly-regarded credential, but it's also an expensive exam—making the stakes even higher on exam day. The CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide gives you the intense preparation you need to pass with flying colors.
獨特的 CEH 考試終極準備指南。
CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide 是您準備 CEH v9 考試的理想伴侶。這本全面且深入的 CEH 認證要求回顧旨在幫助您透過簡潔明瞭的解釋和易於跟隨的學習方式內化關鍵資訊。涵蓋考試的所有部分,討論詳細說明了入侵檢測、DDoS 攻擊、緩衝區溢出和惡意軟體創建等重要主題,並將這些概念置於真實世界情境中。每一章都對應到相應的考試目標,便於參考,而考試要點功能幫助您識別需要進一步學習的領域。您還可以訪問在線學習工具,包括章節回顧問題、完整的模擬考試、數百張電子閃卡以及關鍵術語的詞彙表,幫助您確保完全掌握考試材料。
Certified Ethical Hacker 在網路安全領域中獨樹一幟,讓您深入駭客的思維,獲得滲透測試的獨特視角。這本指南是您理想的考試準備資源,具體涵蓋所有 CEH 目標並提供大量練習材料。
- 系統性回顧所有 CEH v9 主題
- 透過實作練習加強關鍵技能
- 學習概念如何應用於真實世界情境
- 在考試前識別關鍵能力
CEH 認證使您在專業上受到需求,並滿足國防部 8570 指令對所有資訊保障政府職位的要求。這不僅是一個備受推崇的證書,還是一個昂貴的考試——使考試日的風險更高。CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide 為您提供通過考試所需的強化準備。