PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide: Updated for the 2015 Exam, 8/e (Paperback)
暫譯: PMP:專案管理專業人員考試學習指南:2015年考試更新版,第8版(平裝本)

Kim Heldman




The ultimate PMP exam prep guide, updated for 2015

PMP Study Guide, 8th Edition is a complete resource for PMP exam preparation, featuring full coverage of all exam objectives, hands-on practice, and plenty of interactive tools. Fully updated to reflect the Project Management Institute's latest changes to the exam, this new edition includes the revised best practices in alignment with PMBOK 5th edition. You'll find detailed discussion on a wide range of project management topics, concepts, and key terms, alongside frequent opportunities to gain hands-on practice using these skills in typical workplace scenarios. Each chapter includes comprehensive review questions to help you gauge your understanding, and you also gain access to the Sybex interactive online learning environment that features electronic flash cards, chapter tests, practice exams, and more.

The IT marketplace demands certified project management professionals, and the PMP certification was created specifically to address that demand. Now considered the premier project management credential, the PMP requires candidates to undergo a grueling four-hour exam. This book gives you everything you need to improve your skills and take the exam with confidence.

  • Get hands-on practice in real-world scenarios
  • Relate each objective to your current project
  • Test your understanding with practice tests and more

The PMP Study Guide is your ultimate preparation resource for passing the PMP



PMP學習指南,第8版 是一本完整的PMP考試準備資源,涵蓋所有考試目標,提供實作練習和豐富的互動工具。此新版本已全面更新,以反映項目管理協會(Project Management Institute)對考試的最新變更,並包含與PMBOK第5版一致的修訂最佳實踐。您將發現對各種項目管理主題、概念和關鍵術語的詳細討論,並有頻繁的機會在典型工作場景中實際運用這些技能。每一章都包含全面的複習問題,幫助您評估自己的理解,您還可以訪問Sybex互動在線學習環境,該環境提供電子閃卡、章節測試、練習考試等資源。


  • 在真實場景中獲得實作練習
  • 將每個目標與您當前的項目相關聯
  • 通過練習測試等方式檢驗您的理解

PMP學習指南 是您通過PMP考試的終極準備資源。