CompTIA A+ Complete Certification Kit: Exams 220-901 and 220-902 (Paperback)
暫譯: CompTIA A+ 完整認證套件:考試 220-901 和 220-902 (平裝本)
Quentin Docter, Emmett Dulaney, Toby Skandier
The CompTIA A+ Complete Certification Kit is your one-stop resource for achieving this critical credential. Fully CompTIA approved, this value-priced bundle gives you both the Complete Deluxe Study Guide and the Complete Review Guide to help you become fully prepared for exam day. This new third edition has been revised to align with the latest version of exams 220-901 and 220-902, with new best practices and a stronger focus on current hardware and software including Windows, virtualization, and mobile OSes. Clear, concise discussion helps you internalize important concepts quickly, and chapter reviews and exam highlights provide self-test checkpoints along the way. You also get access to the Sybex interactive online learning environment, featuring electronic flashcards, a searchable PDF glossary, a test bank, and bonus practice exams that help you gauge your progress and level of understanding.
The A+ certification is the industry standard for computer technicians, measuring competency with various hardware components and common operating systems. This certification kit is your ultimate preparation companion, guiding you through everything you need to know to pass with flying colors.
- Study 100% of the objectives for exams 220-901 and 220-902
- Understand hardware, OS maintenance, and troubleshooting
- Gain practical insight from real-world examples
- Test yourself with practice exams, interactive study aids, and more
The first A+ exam covers basic hardware and software concepts, while the second exam tests actual workplace skills including installation, configuration, upgrading, and maintenance. With full coverage of all topics for both exams, the CompTIA A+ Complete Certification Kit is the only source you need to greet exam day with full confidence.
取得 A+ 認證的理想夥伴,附加練習測驗及更多內容
CompTIA A+ 完整認證套件 是您獲得這項重要證照的一站式資源。此套件經 CompTIA 完全認可,提供價值優渥的組合,包括完整的豪華學習指南和完整的複習指南,幫助您為考試日做好充分準備。這一新版第三版已修訂,以符合最新的 220-901 和 220-902 考試版本,並加入新的最佳實踐,並更強調當前的硬體和軟體,包括 Windows、虛擬化和行動作業系統。清晰、簡潔的討論幫助您快速內化重要概念,章節複習和考試重點提供自我測試的檢查點。您還可以訪問 Sybex 互動式線上學習環境,該環境提供電子閃卡、可搜尋的 PDF 詞彙表、測試題庫和附加練習考試,幫助您評估自己的進度和理解程度。
A+ 認證是電腦技術人員的行業標準,衡量對各種硬體組件和常見作業系統的能力。這個認證套件是您最終的準備夥伴,指導您了解通過考試所需的所有知識。
- 學習 100% 的 220-901 和 220-902 考試目標
- 了解硬體、作業系統維護和故障排除
- 從實際案例中獲得實用見解
- 通過練習考試、互動學習輔助工具等測試自己
第一個 A+ 考試涵蓋基本的硬體和軟體概念,而第二個考試則測試實際工作技能,包括安裝、配置、升級和維護。CompTIA A+ 完整認證套件 全面涵蓋 所有 主題,適用於 兩個 考試,是您在考試日自信迎接挑戰的唯一來源。