$990$891 -
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$403RESTful Web APIs (中文版)
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$199$169 -
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$454JavaEE 開發的顛覆者: Spring Boot實戰
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$301SpringBoot 揭秘 : 快速構建微服務體系
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CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit, 4th Edition is the ideal study tool for the price-savvy Security+ candidate. By combining the CompTIA Deluxe Security+ Study Guide, 3rd Edition and the CompTIA Security+ Review Guide, 3rd Edition into a single bundle, this kit provides everything you need to go into the exam fully prepared. This new edition has been updated to align with the latest version of the Security+ exam (SY0-401), and covers 100% of the exam objectives including communications, infrastructure, operational and organizational security, and much more. Practical examples drawn from real-world topics demonstrate how these concepts are applied on the job, and authoritative coverage and clear, concise explanations help deepen your understanding of these crucial security topics. The DVD includes instructional videos, electronic flashcards, software, and a test bank that allows you to test your knowledge and correct weak areas in advance, so you can approach the exam with confidence.
- Study 100% of the Security+ exam objectives
- See key topics demonstrated in over an hour of instructional videos
- Understand real-world applications through practical examples
- Try out Kali Linux, designed for security auditing, digital forensics, and penetration testing, and Security Onion for intrusion detection, network security monitoring, and log management
- Test your knowledge with leading-edge exam prep software
With complete exam coverage and practical insight, CompTIA Security+ Certification Kit, 4th Edition gives you the confidence you need on exam day.
最完整、最新的 Security+ 準備套件,涵蓋 100% 考試內容
CompTIA Security+ 認證套件,第 4 版 是對價格敏感的 Security+ 考生的理想學習工具。這個套件將 CompTIA Deluxe Security+ 學習指南,第 3 版 和 CompTIA Security+ 複習指南,第 3 版 結合成一個完整的包裝,提供您考試所需的一切準備。這個新版本已更新,以符合最新版本的 Security+ 考試 (SY0-401),並涵蓋 100% 的考試目標,包括通訊、基礎設施、操作和組織安全等多個方面。從現實世界主題中提取的實際範例展示了這些概念在工作中的應用,權威的內容和清晰、簡潔的解釋有助於加深您對這些關鍵安全主題的理解。DVD 包含教學視頻、電子閃卡、軟體和測試題庫,讓您可以提前測試自己的知識並修正薄弱的地方,讓您能夠自信地面對考試。
- 學習 100% 的 Security+ 考試目標
- 在超過一小時的教學視頻中看到關鍵主題的演示
- 通過實際範例理解現實世界的應用
- 嘗試 Kali Linux,設計用於安全審計、數位取證和滲透測試,以及 Security Onion 用於入侵檢測、網路安全監控和日誌管理
- 使用尖端的考試準備軟體測試您的知識
擁有完整的考試覆蓋和實用的見解,CompTIA Security+ 認證套件,第 4 版 讓您在考試日擁有所需的信心。