BIM and Construction Management, Second Edition is a complete integration guide, featuring practical advice, project tested methods and workflows, and tutorials for implementing Building Information Modeling and technology in construction. Updated to align with the latest software editions from Autodesk, Trimble and Bentley, this book provides a common sense approach to leveraging BIM to provide significant value throughout a project's life cycle. This book outlines a results-focused approach which shows you how to incorporate BIM and other technologies into all phases of construction management, such as:
Project planning: Set up the BIM project to succeed right from the start by using the right contracts, the right processes and the right technology
Marketing: How to exceed customer expectations and market your brand of BIM to win.
Pre-construction: Take a practical approach to engineer out risks in your project by using the model early to virtually build and analyze your project, prior to physical construction.
Construction: Leverage the model throughout construction to build safer and with better quality.
Field work: Learn how mobile technologies have disrupted the way we work in the field to optimize efficiencies and access information faster.
Closeout: Deliver a better product to your customer that goes beyond the physical structure and better prepares them for future operations.
Additionally, the book provides a look at technology trends in construction and a thoughtful perspective into potential use cases going forward.
BIM and Construction Management, Second Edition builds on what has changed in the construction landscape and highlights a new way of delivering BIM-enabled projects. Aligning to industry trends such as Lean, integrated delivery methods, mobile platforms and cloud-based collaboration this book illustrates how using BIM and technology efficiently can create value.
BIM與建設管理,第二版 是一本完整的整合指南,提供實用建議、經過專案驗證的方法和工作流程,以及實施建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)和技術的教程。此書已更新以符合Autodesk、Trimble和Bentley的最新軟體版本,提供一種常識性的方法來利用BIM在專案生命週期中提供顯著的價值。本書概述了一種以結果為導向的方法,展示如何將BIM和其他技術融入建設管理的所有階段,例如:
專案規劃: 從一開始就使用正確的合約、正確的流程和正確的技術來設置BIM專案以確保成功。
行銷: 如何超越客戶期望,並將您的BIM品牌推向市場以獲勝。
施工前準備: 透過早期使用模型來虛擬建造和分析專案,以實際的方法消除專案中的風險,這是在實體施工之前進行的。
施工: 在施工過程中利用模型,以更安全和更高品質的方式進行建造。
現場工作: 了解行動技術如何顛覆我們在現場工作的方式,以優化效率並更快地獲取資訊。
結案: 向客戶交付一個超越物理結構的更好產品,並更好地為他們未來的運營做準備。
BIM與建設管理,第二版 建立在建設環境變化的基礎上,突顯了一種新的交付BIM啟用專案的方法。與精益(Lean)、整合交付方法、行動平台和雲端協作等行業趨勢相一致,本書說明了如何有效地使用BIM和技術來創造價值。