Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, 3/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 機械的運動學、動力學與設計,第3版 (精裝本)

Kenneth J. Waldron , Gary L. Kinzel , Sunil K. Agrawal

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2016-04-25
  • 定價: $1,680
  • 售價: 9.8$1,646
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 720
  • ISBN: 1118933281
  • ISBN-13: 9781118933282
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)



Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, Third Edition, presents a fresh approach to kinematic design and analysis and is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduates and graduates in mechanical, automotive and production engineering
●Presents the traditional approach to the design and analysis of kinematic problems and shows how GCP can be used to solve the same problems more simply
●Provides a new and simpler approach to cam design
●Includes an increased number of exercise problems
●Accompanied by a website hosting a solutions manual, teaching slides and MATLAB® programs


● 提出了傳統的運動學問題設計與分析方法,並展示了如何使用 GCP 更簡單地解決相同問題。
● 提供了一種全新且更簡單的凸輪設計方法。
● 包含了更多的練習題。
● 附有一個網站,提供解答手冊、教學幻燈片及 MATLAB® 程式。


Kenneth Waldron is Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney and Professor Emeritus of Stanford University. He has taught subjects in machine design and engineering mechanics over a career spanning more than forty years. He has also conducted research in kinematics of machinery, robotics, biomechanics and machine dynamics. He has received a number of awards including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Machine Design, Leonardo da Vinci and Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Awards, and the Robotics Industries Association Joseph Engelberger Award.
Professor Waldron has served as the Technical Editor of the ASME Transactions Journal of Machine Design. He served two terms as President of IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine and Mechanism Science, as well as holding many offices within ASME.
Professor Waldron is excited by the many new developments in the field and the challenge of keeping this book up to date.
Gary Kinzel is an emeritus professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The Ohio State University. He received his PhD from Purdue in 1973. After graduation, he worked for six years at Battelle and was a regular faculty member at Ohio State until he retired in 2011. His research was in design, education, and manufacturing. He has more than 150 research publications, has coauthored two books, has one patent, and has supervised to completion the research of more than one hundred graduate students. He taught courses in machine design, kinematics, stress analysis and form synthesis and received ten research and teaching awards, including the OSU Alumni Teaching Award, the ASME Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Award, and the ASEE Ralph Coates Roe Award.
Sunil Agrawal has authored more than 175 archival journal papers, 225 refereed conference papers, 2 books, and 13 US patents. His work is well cited by the research community and can be viewed at Google Scholar at ( He has graduated 20 PhD and 25 MS students. Currently, there are 10 PhD students working under his guidance.


Kenneth Waldron 是悉尼科技大學的教授及史丹佛大學的名譽教授。他在超過四十年的職業生涯中教授機械設計和工程力學相關課程。他還在機械運動學、機器人學、生物力學和機械動力學方面進行研究。他獲得了多項獎項,包括美國機械工程師學會 (ASME) 的機械設計獎、達文西獎以及 Ruth 和 Joel Spira 傑出設計教育者獎,還有機器人產業協會的 Joseph Engelberger 獎。

Waldron 教授曾擔任《ASME Transactions Journal of Machine Design》的技術編輯。他曾兩度擔任國際機械與機構科學促進聯合會 (IFToMM) 的會長,並在 ASME 擔任多個職位。

Waldron 教授對該領域的許多新發展感到興奮,並面臨著使本書保持最新的挑戰。

Gary Kinzel 是俄亥俄州立大學機械與航空工程系的名譽教授。他於1973年在普渡大學獲得博士學位。畢業後,他在巴特爾工作了六年,並在俄亥俄州立大學擔任常任教職,直到2011年退休。他的研究領域包括設計、教育和製造。他擁有超過150篇研究出版物,合著了兩本書,擁有一項專利,並指導超過一百名研究生完成研究。他教授機械設計、運動學、應力分析和形狀合成等課程,並獲得十項研究和教學獎項,包括俄亥俄州立大學校友教學獎、ASME 的 Ruth 和 Joel Spira 傑出設計教育者獎,以及 ASEE 的 Ralph Coates Roe 獎。

Sunil Agrawal 已發表超過175篇學術期刊論文、225篇經過審核的會議論文、2本書籍和13項美國專利。他的工作在研究界受到廣泛引用,並可在 Google Scholar 上查看 (。他已指導20名博士生和25名碩士生,目前有10名博士生在他的指導下進行研究。


1 Introduction
2 Techniques in Geometric Constraint Programming
3 Planar Linkage Design
4 Graphical Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Analysis for Mechanisms with Revolute Joints or Fixed Slides
5 Linkages with Rolling and Sliding Contacts, and Joints on Moving Sliders
6 Instant Centers of Velocity
7 Computational Analysis of Linkages
8 Special Mechanisms
9 Computational Analysis of Spatial Linkages
10 Profile Cam Design
11 Spur Gears
12 Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears
13 Gear Trains
14 Static Force Analysis of Mechanisms
15 Dynamic Force Analysis of Mechanisms
16 Static and Dynamic Balancing
17 Integration of Computer Controlled Actuators


1 Introduction

2 Techniques in Geometric Constraint Programming

3 Planar Linkage Design

4 Graphical Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Analysis for Mechanisms with Revolute Joints or Fixed Slides

5 Linkages with Rolling and Sliding Contacts, and Joints on Moving Sliders

6 Instant Centers of Velocity

7 Computational Analysis of Linkages

8 Special Mechanisms

9 Computational Analysis of Spatial Linkages

10 Profile Cam Design

11 Spur Gears

12 Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears

13 Gear Trains

14 Static Force Analysis of Mechanisms

15 Dynamic Force Analysis of Mechanisms

16 Static and Dynamic Balancing

17 Integration of Computer Controlled Actuators