Wrox Press
5.0 折
SharePoint、使用者介面 UI
content<p>The SharePoint 2013 Branding and UI Design and SharePoint-videos.com Bundle represents a unique collaboration between SharePoint content leaders.</p><p>The bundle features the best-selling Wrox book SharePoint 2013 Branding and User Interface Design (978-1118495674) - now in full color -- and several complementary branding and design videos from the renowned SharePoint-videos.com. All based on SharePoint 2013, the book and videos bring readers of all experience levels, including traditional web designers, into the world of creating beautiful and engaging SharePoint sites. Keeping with the theme of good design, the book itself was designed to be visually appealing, featuring vivid full color content laid out in a unique and engaging fashion. The package includes:</p><ul><li>Site level branding for Team Sites</li><li>Publishing page customizations</li><li>Site level branding for publishing sites</li><li>Tools and options for SharePoint 2013 Branding</li><li>Modifying Master pages</li><li>Creating Publishing page layouts</li><li>Adding javascript interactions to sites</li><li>Adding complex interactions to sites</li><li>Packaging branding as a SharePoint App</li></ul><p><b>About SharePoint-videos.com</b></p><p>SharePoint-Videos.com (SPVideos) is focused on empowering information workers in corporate environments with the SharePoint knowledge they need to be successful. Their goal is ensuring sustainable SharePoint adoption through education and support.</p><p>SPVideos provides the following business solutions: Asif Rehmani has been training and consulting on SharePoint technologies since 2002. He is a SharePoint Server MVP and MCT. He has written SharePoint curricula, several books for Wrox, and dozens of SharePoint articles. He has produced hundreds of video tutorials on SharePoint, many available at Microsoft TechNet, MSDN, Channel 9, Office.com, YouTube and SharePoint-Videos.com. Asif has presented at conferences globally including Microsoft's TechEd, SharePoint Conference, SPTechCon, and SharePoint Connections. His clients include Caltech, Fidelity.com, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Lockheed Martin, Symantec, Autodesk, and Raytheon</p>sourceProduct Description
SharePoint 2013 品牌設計與使用者介面設計以及 SharePoint-videos.com 套件代表了 SharePoint 內容領導者之間的獨特合作。
該套件包含了暢銷的 Wrox 書籍《SharePoint 2013 Branding and User Interface Design》(978-1118495674)- 現在是全彩印刷 - 以及來自知名的 SharePoint-videos.com 的幾個補充品牌和設計視頻。所有內容均基於 SharePoint 2013,這本書和視頻將各種經驗水平的讀者,包括傳統的網頁設計師,帶入創建美觀且引人入勝的 SharePoint 網站的世界。遵循良好設計的主題,這本書本身的設計也具有視覺吸引力,內容以生動的全彩印刷呈現,佈局獨特且引人入勝。該套件包括:
- 團隊網站的網站級品牌設計
- 發佈頁面的自訂
- 發佈網站的網站級品牌設計
- SharePoint 2013 品牌設計的工具和選項
- 修改母版頁面
- 創建發佈頁面佈局
- 為網站添加 JavaScript 互動
- 為網站添加複雜的互動
- 將品牌設計打包為 SharePoint 應用程式
關於 SharePoint-videos.com
SharePoint-Videos.com(SPVideos)專注於賦能企業環境中的資訊工作者,提供他們成功所需的 SharePoint 知識。他們的目標是通過教育和支持確保可持續的 SharePoint 採用。
SPVideos 提供以下商業解決方案:Asif Rehmani 自 2002 年以來一直在 SharePoint 技術方面進行培訓和諮詢。他是 SharePoint Server MVP 和 MCT。他撰寫了 SharePoint 課程,為 Wrox 出版了幾本書,並撰寫了數十篇 SharePoint 文章。他製作了數百個 SharePoint 教學視頻,許多可在 Microsoft TechNet、MSDN、Channel 9、Office.com、YouTube 和 SharePoint-Videos.com 上找到。Asif 曾在全球的會議上發表演講,包括微軟的 TechEd、SharePoint 會議、SPTechCon 和 SharePoint Connections。他的客戶包括加州理工學院、Fidelity.com、紐約聯邦儲備銀行、洛克希德·馬丁、賽門鐵克、Autodesk 和雷神公司。