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$2,223AutoCAD Platform Customization: User Interface, AutoLISP, VBA, and Beyond (Paperback)
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AutoLISP is the key to unlocking the secrets of a more streamlined experience using industry leading software programs like AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Plant 3D, and more.
AutoCAD Platform Customization: AutoLISP provides real-world examples that show you how to do everything from modifying graphical objects and reading and setting system variables to communicating with external programs. It also features a resources appendix and downloadable datasets and customization examples—tools that ensure swift and easy adoption.
- Find out how to remove unused buttons from the ribbon to gain screen space
- Discover how to create macros for frequently performed actions, or add your company's logo to the bottom of every drawing
- Learn to perform more involved customizations, like communicating with a database to validate and update information entered in drawing layers
- Ideal for CAD administrators, senior drafters, savvy users, and other professionals and students
Through detailed discussions and tutorials that include real-world examples, this book gives you the power to enhance your program's experience and output.
自訂和個性化基於 AutoCAD 平台的程式
AutoLISP 是解鎖使用行業領先軟體程式(如 AutoCAD、Civil 3D、Plant 3D 等)更流暢體驗的關鍵。
AutoCAD 平台自訂:AutoLISP 提供了實際案例,展示如何從修改圖形物件、讀取和設定系統變數到與外部程式進行通訊等各種操作。它還包含資源附錄和可下載的數據集及自訂範例,這些工具確保了快速和簡便的採用。
- 了解如何從功能區中移除未使用的按鈕以獲得更多螢幕空間
- 發現如何為經常執行的操作創建宏,或將公司的標誌添加到每個圖紙的底部
- 學習執行更複雜的自訂,例如與資料庫通訊以驗證和更新繪圖圖層中輸入的信息
- 非常適合 CAD 管理員、高級繪圖員、精明的使用者以及其他專業人士和學生