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$1,617Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 5/e (Asian Edition)(IE-Paperback)
Unleash the power of the Android OS and build the kinds of brilliant, innovative apps users love to use
If you already know your way around the Android OS and can build a simple Android app in under an hour, this book is for you. If you’re itching to see just how far you can push it and discover what Android is really capable of, it’s for you. And if you’re ready to learn how to build advanced, intuitive, innovative apps that are a blast to use, this book is definitely for you.
From custom views and advanced multi-touch gestures, to integrating online web services and exploiting the latest geofencing and activity recognition features, ace Android developer, Erik Hellman, delivers expert tips, tricks and little-known techniques for pushing the Android envelope so you can:
- Optimize your components for the smoothest user experience possible
- Create your own custom Views
- Push the boundaries of the Android SDK
- Master Android Studio and Gradle
- Make optimal use of the Android audio, video and graphics APIs
- Program in Text-To-Speech and Speech Recognition
- Make the most of the new Android maps and location API
- Use Android connectivity technologies to communicate with remote devices
- Perform background processing
- Use Android cryptography APIs
- Find and safely use hidden Android APIs
- Cloud-enable your applications with Google Play Services
- Distribute and sell your applications on Google Play Store
Learn how to unleash the power of Android and transform your apps from good to great in Android Programming: Pushing the Limits.
發揮 Android OS 的強大功能,並建立出使用者喜愛的創新應用程式
如果您已經熟悉 Android OS,並且能夠在不到一小時內建立一個簡單的 Android 應用程式,那麼這本書就是為您而設的。如果您渴望看看 Android 到底能夠做到什麼程度,並發現它的真正潛力,那麼這本書也適合您。如果您準備學習如何建立高級、直觀且創新的應用程式,讓使用者愛不釋手,那麼這本書絕對適合您。
從自定義視圖和高級多點觸控手勢,到整合線上網路服務和利用最新的地理圍欄和活動識別功能,頂尖的 Android 開發者 Erik Hellman 提供專家級的技巧、訣竅和鮮為人知的技術,讓您能夠突破 Android 的限制,實現以下目標:
- 最佳化元件,以提供最流暢的使用者體驗
- 建立自己的自定義視圖
- 拓展 Android SDK 的極限
- 精通 Android Studio 和 Gradle
- 充分利用 Android 音訊、視訊和圖形 API
- 使用文字轉語音和語音識別功能
- 充分利用新的 Android 地圖和定位 API
- 使用 Android 連接技術與遠端設備進行通訊
- 執行背景處理
- 使用 Android 加密 API
- 尋找並安全使用隱藏的 Android API
- 透過 Google Play 服務將應用程式雲端化
- 在 Google Play 商店上分發和銷售您的應用程式
在《Android 程式設計:突破極限》中,學習如何發揮 Android 的強大功能,將您的應用程式從普通變成卓越。