The one reference book every Photoshop user needs!
Adobe Photoshop is the industry leading image-editing software, and the newest version boasts exciting new features. This must-have comprehensive resource gets you started with the basics and then highlights the latest updates and revisions to the new Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud). You'll learn every aspect of Photoshop CC, from image editing basics to techniques for working with the histogram palette, Lens Blur, Match Color, and the color replacement tool, as well as keyboard shortcuts.
• Explores retouching and color correction, working with Camera Raw images, preparing photos for print or the web, and much more
• Details what beginners need to know and shares intermediate-level information on key tools and procedures
• Delves into techniques for retouching, color-correcting, manipulating, combining images, as well as all the new features and enhancements in the latest version
Photoshop CC Bible is essential reading for everyone from photo hobbyists to professionals in graphic design, publishing, video editing, animation, and broadcasting.
每位 Photoshop 使用者必備的參考書!
Adobe Photoshop 是業界領先的影像編輯軟體,最新版本擁有令人興奮的新功能。這本必備的綜合資源將幫助你從基礎開始,然後重點介紹最新的更新和修訂,特別是針對新的 Photoshop CC(Creative Cloud)。你將學習 Photoshop CC 的每一個面向,從影像編輯基礎到使用直方圖面板、鏡頭模糊、顏色匹配和顏色替換工具的技巧,以及鍵盤快捷鍵。
• 探索修圖和顏色校正,處理 Camera Raw 圖像,為印刷或網路準備照片,還有更多內容
• 詳細說明初學者需要知道的內容,並分享中級水平的關鍵工具和程序資訊
• 深入探討修圖、顏色校正、影像操作、合併影像的技巧,以及最新版本中的所有新功能和增強功能
Photoshop CC Bible 是從攝影愛好者到平面設計、出版、影片編輯、動畫和廣播專業人士的必讀書籍。