Top-to-bottom coverage of the top-selling Microsoft Office application
If you want to use Microsoft Word to create more than just simple documents, start with this ultimate Word guide. Packed with the in-depth content that is the hallmark of all Wiley Bibles, this book covers it all. You'll first find out what's new in Word 2013 on the features level - formatting, styles, tables, and more - before you dive into the big stuff that can help you become more efficient. From document design to creating master documents to applying security to collaborating in the Cloud, you'll learn not just how to do tasks, but the best ways to do them, and why.
- Details everything you need to know to get the most out of Word 2013
- Walks you through new or refreshed basics, such as formatting, styles, charts, and tables
- Shows you how to use data sources, create envelopes and labels, and make forms
- Takes your Word skills up a notch with coverage of keyboard customization, security, collaborating on the Cloud, comparing documents, and much more
Start creating documents at a new level and wow your colleagues, with Word 2013 Bible.
全面涵蓋最暢銷的 Microsoft Office 應用程式
如果您想使用 Microsoft Word 創建的不僅僅是簡單的文件,請從這本終極 Word 指南開始。這本書充滿了深入的內容,這是所有 Wiley Bibles 的標誌,涵蓋了所有主題。您將首先了解 Word 2013 在功能層面上的新特性 - 格式、樣式、表格等 - 然後再深入探討可以幫助您提高效率的重大內容。從文件設計到創建主文件,再到應用安全性和在雲端協作,您將學習到的不僅是如何執行任務,還有最佳的執行方式及其原因。
- 詳細介紹您需要知道的所有內容,以充分利用 Word 2013
- 引導您了解新的或更新的基本知識,例如格式、樣式、圖表和表格
- 教您如何使用數據來源、創建信封和標籤,以及製作表單
- 提升您的 Word 技能,涵蓋鍵盤自定義、安全性、雲端協作、文件比較等更多內容
開始以新的水平創建文件,讓您的同事驚豔,使用 Word 2013 Bible。