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An essential library of basic commands you can copy and paste into R
The powerful and open-source statistical programming language R is rapidly growing in popularity, but it requires that you type in commands at the keyboard rather than use a mouse, so you have to learn the language of R. But there is a shortcut, and that's where this unique book comes in. A companion book to Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics, this practical reference is a library of basic R commands that you can copy and paste into R to perform many types of statistical analyses.
Whether you're in technology, science, medicine, business, or engineering, you can quickly turn to your topic in this handy book and find the commands you need.
- Comprehensive command reference for the R programming language and a companion book to Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics
- Combines elements of a dictionary, glossary, and thesaurus for the R language
- Provides easy accessibility to the commands you need, by topic, which you can cut and paste into R as needed
- Covers getting, saving, examining, and manipulating data; statistical test and math; and all the things you can do with graphs
- Also includes a collection of utilities that you'll find useful
Simplify the complex statistical R programming language with The Essential R Reference.
您可以複製並粘貼到 R 的基本命令必備庫
強大且開源的統計程式語言 R 正迅速增長其受歡迎程度,但它要求您在鍵盤上輸入命令,而不是使用滑鼠,因此您必須學習 R 語言。不過,有一個捷徑,這就是這本獨特書籍的用武之地。這本書是 Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics 的伴隨書籍,這本實用的參考資料是基本 R 命令的庫,您可以將其複製並粘貼到 R 中,以執行多種統計分析。
- R 程式語言的全面命令參考,並且是 Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics 的伴隨書籍
- 結合了字典、術語表和同義詞庫的元素,專為 R 語言設計
- 按主題提供您所需命令的便捷訪問,您可以根據需要將其剪切並粘貼到 R 中
- 涵蓋獲取、保存、檢查和操作數據;統計測試和數學;以及您可以用圖形做的所有事情
- 還包括一系列您會發現有用的工具
用 The Essential R Reference 簡化複雜的統計 R 程式語言。