Increased reliance on mobile devices and streaming of video content are two of the most recent changes that have led those in the video distribution industry to be concerned about the shifting or erosion of traditional advertising revenues. Infrastructure providers also need to position themselves to take advantage of these trends. Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6 provides an overview of the current mobile landscape, then delves specifically into the capabilities and operational details of IPv6. The book also addresses 3G and 4G services, the application of Mobile IPv6 to streaming and other mobile video outputs, and closes with a chapter on future directions.
隨著對行動裝置的依賴增加以及視頻內容的串流,這兩個最近的變化使得視頻分發行業的人士對傳統廣告收入的轉變或侵蝕感到擔憂。基礎設施提供商也需要調整自身以利用這些趨勢。《Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6》提供了當前行動環境的概述,然後具體深入探討了IPv6的能力和操作細節。該書還討論了3G和4G服務、Mobile IPv6在串流和其他行動視頻輸出中的應用,並以一章關於未來方向作結。