Wi-Fi has become the preferred means for connecting to the internet - at home, in the office, in hotels and at airports. Increasingly, Wi-Fi also provides internet access for remote communities where it is deployed by volunteers in community-based networks, by operators in 'hotspots' and by municipalities in 'hotzones'. This book traces the global success of Wi-Fi to the landmark change in radio spectrum policy by the US FCC in 1985, the initiative by NCR Corporation to start development of Wireless-LANs and the drive for an open standard IEEE 802.11, released in 1997. It also singles out and explains the significance of the initiative by Steve Jobs at Apple to include Wireless-LAN in the iBook, which moved the product from the early adopters to the mass market. The book explains these developments through first-hand accounts by industry practitioners and concludes with reflections and implications for government policy and firm strategy.
Wi-Fi 已成為連接互聯網的首選方式——無論是在家中、辦公室、酒店或機場。越來越多的情況下,Wi-Fi 也為偏遠社區提供互聯網接入,這些社區由志願者在社區網絡中部署,或由運營商在「熱點」中提供,還有市政府在「熱區」中設置。這本書追溯了 Wi-Fi 在全球成功的原因,歸因於美國 FCC 在 1985 年對無線電頻譜政策的重大變革、NCR Corporation 開始開發無線局域網(Wireless-LAN)的倡議,以及 1997 年發布的開放標準 IEEE 802.11 的推動。書中還特別指出並解釋了史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)在蘋果公司推動將無線局域網納入 iBook 的倡議,這一舉措使產品從早期採用者轉向大眾市場。該書通過行業從業者的第一手資料解釋了這些發展,並以對政府政策和企業策略的反思與啟示作結。