Learning Scientific Programming with Python (用 Python 學習科學程式設計)

Christian Hill




Learn to master basic programming tasks from scratch with real-life scientifically relevant examples and solutions drawn from both science and engineering. Students and researchers at all levels are increasingly turning to the powerful Python programming language as an alternative to commercial packages and this fast-paced introduction moves from the basics to advanced concepts in one complete volume, enabling readers to quickly gain proficiency. Beginning with general programming concepts such as loops and functions within the core Python 3 language, and moving onto the NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib libraries for numerical programming and data visualisation, this textbook also discusses the use of IPython notebooks to build rich-media, shareable documents for scientific analysis. Including a final chapter introducing challenging topics such as floating-point precision and algorithm stability, and with extensive online resources to support advanced study, this textbook represents a targeted package for students requiring a solid foundation in Python programming.


從科學和工程領域中提取真實且具有科學意義的例子和解決方案,從頭開始學習掌握基本的編程任務。學生和研究人員在各個層次上越來越多地轉向強大的Python編程語言,作為商業軟件的替代方案。這本節奏快的介紹將從基礎知識到高級概念一次性涵蓋,讓讀者能夠迅速獲得熟練程度。從核心Python 3語言中的一般編程概念(如循環和函數)開始,然後轉向用於數值編程和數據可視化的NumPy、SciPy和Matplotlib庫,本教材還討論了使用IPython筆記本構建豐富媒體、可共享的科學分析文檔。最後一章介紹了浮點精度和算法穩定性等具有挑戰性的主題,並提供了豐富的在線資源以支持進階學習。這本教材為需要在Python編程方面打下堅實基礎的學生提供了一個有針對性的套裝資源。