Tidy First? A Personal Exercise in Empirical Software Design (Paperback)
暫譯: 先整理嗎?個人實踐的經驗軟體設計

Beck, Kent



Messy code is a nuisance. "Tidying" code, to make it more readable, requires breaking it up into manageable sections. In this practical guide, author Kent Beck, creator of Extreme Programming and pioneer of software patterns, suggests when and where you might apply tidyings to improve your code while keeping the overall structure of the system in mind.

Instead of trying to master tidying all at once, this book lets you try out a few examples that make sense for your problem. If you have a big function containing many lines of code, you'll learn how to logically divide it into smaller chunks. Along the way, you'll learn the theory behind software design: coupling, cohesion, discounted cash flows, and optionality.

This book helps you:

  • Understand the basic theory of how software design works and the forces that act on it
  • Explore the difference between changes to a system's behavior and changes to its structure
  • Improve your programming experience by sometimes tidying first and sometimes tidying after
  • Learn how to make large changes in small, safe steps
  • Approach design as a human activity with diverging incentives


雜亂的程式碼是一種困擾。要使程式碼更具可讀性,所謂的「整理」需要將其拆分為可管理的部分。在這本實用指南中,作者 Kent Beck,極限編程的創始人及軟體模式的先驅,建議您在何時何地應用整理,以改善您的程式碼,同時考慮系統的整體結構。



- 理解軟體設計運作的基本理論及其所受的影響力
- 探索系統行為變化與結構變化之間的差異
- 通過有時先整理、有時後整理來改善您的程式設計體驗
- 學習如何以小而安全的步驟進行大規模變更
- 將設計視為一種具有不同激勵的人類活動