Application Delivery and Load Balancing in Microsoft Azure: Practical Solutions with Nginx and Microsoft Azure

Dejonghe, Derek, Nugara, Arlan



With more and more companies moving on-premises applications to the cloud, software and cloud solution architects alike are busy investigating ways to improve load balancing, performance, security, and high availability for workloads. This practical book describes Microsoft Azure's load-balancing options and explains how NGINX can contribute to a comprehensive solution.

Cloud architects Derek DeJonghe and Arlan Nugara take you through the steps necessary to design a practical solution for your network. Software developers and technical managers will learn how these technologies have a direct impact on application development and architecture. While the examples are specific to Azure, these load-balancing concepts and implementations also apply to cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and IBM Cloud.

  • Understand application delivery and load balancing--and why they're important
  • Explore Azure's managed load-balancing options
  • Learn how to run NGINX on Azure
  • Examine similarities and complementing features between Azure-managed solutions and NGINX
  • Define, manage, and monitor the global routing for your web traffic using Azure Front Door
  • Explore security choices using NGINX and Azure Firewall solutions


隨著越來越多的公司將本地應用程式遷移到雲端,軟體和雲端解決方案架構師都在忙於研究如何改善工作負載的負載平衡、性能、安全性和高可用性。這本實用書介紹了Microsoft Azure的負載平衡選項,並解釋了NGINX如何為全面解決方案做出貢獻。

雲端架構師Derek DeJonghe和Arlan Nugara將帶您進入設計實際解決方案所需的步驟。軟體開發人員和技術經理將了解這些技術對應用程式開發和架構的直接影響。雖然示例是特定於Azure的,但這些負載平衡的概念和實施也適用於AWS、Google Cloud、DigitalOcean和IBM Cloud等雲端提供商。

- 了解應用程式交付和負載平衡的重要性
- 探索Azure的管理負載平衡選項
- 學習如何在Azure上運行NGINX
- 檢查Azure管理解決方案和NGINX之間的相似性和互補功能
- 使用Azure Front Door定義、管理和監控您的網路流量的全球路由
- 使用NGINX和Azure防火牆解決方案探索安全選擇


Derek DeJonghe has had a lifelong passion for technology. His in-depth background and experience in web development, system administration, and networking give him a well-rounded understanding of modern web architecture. Leading a team of cloud architects and solution engineers, to producing self-healing, auto scaling infrastructure for numerous different applications, Derek specializes in cloud migrations and operations of all sizes. While designing, building, and maintaining highly available applications for clients, Derek often engages in an embedded consulting role for larger organizations as they embark on their journey to the cloud.

Arlan Nugara is a Cloud Solution Architect that speaks widely on Azure and DevOps. He has been awarded a MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Azure for the past 2 years by Microsoft for his expertise and contributions to the technical community across the US and Canada. Arlan's original background was in software development with a specialization in enterprise software development and architecture for financial institutions over the previous 20 years. Arlan's focus over the past 2 years has been the building of Azure Virtual Datacenters where security is a key driving factor for a client's migration to the Azure cloud. A critical part of this approach is the building of a landing zone as a configured environment with a standard set of secured cloud infrastructure, policies, best practices, guidelines, and centrally managed services.


Derek DeJonghe一直對科技充滿熱情。他在網頁開發、系統管理和網絡方面的深厚背景和經驗使他對現代網絡架構有全面的理解。作為一個雲架構師和解決方案工程師團隊的領導者,Derek專注於各種規模的雲遷移和運營,為眾多不同的應用程序提供自我修復、自動擴展的基礎設施。在為客戶設計、構建和維護高可用應用程序的同時,Derek經常在大型組織中擔任嵌入式諮詢角色,協助他們踏上雲端之旅。

Arlan Nugara是一位廣泛講授Azure和DevOps的雲解決方案架構師。他在過去兩年中因其對技術社區在美國和加拿大的專業知識和貢獻而被微軟授予Azure最有價值專家(MVP)稱號。Arlan最初的背景是軟件開發,專注於金融機構的企業軟件開發和架構,已有20年的經驗。在過去的兩年中,Arlan的重點是建立Azure虛擬數據中心,其中安全性是客戶遷移到Azure雲端的關鍵驅動因素。這種方法的關鍵部分是建立一個登陸區作為一個配置環境,具有一套標準的安全雲基礎設施、政策、最佳實踐、指南和集中管理的服務。