Learning Functional Programming: Managing Code Complexity by Thinking Functionally (Paperback)

Widman, Jack




Learn how to think and write code like a functional programmer. With this practical guide, software developers familiar with object-oriented programming will dive into the core concepts of functional programming and learn how to use both functional and OOP features together on large or complex software projects.

Author Jack Widman uses samples from Java, Python, C#, Scala, and JavaScript to help you gain a new perspective and a set of tools for managing the complexity in your problem domain. You'll be able to write code that's simpler, reusable, easier to test and modify, and more consistently correct. This book also shows you how to use patterns from category theory to help bridge the gap between OOP and functional programming.

  • Learn functional programming fundamentals and explore the way functional programmers approach problems
  • Understand how FP differs from object-oriented and imperative programming
  • Use a set of practical, applicable design patterns that model reality in a functional way
  • Learn how to incorporate FP and OOP features into software projects
  • Apply functional design patterns appropriately and use them to write correct, robust, and easily modifiable code



作者 Jack Widman 使用 Java、Python、C#、Scala 和 JavaScript 的範例,幫助您獲得新的觀點和一套工具,以管理您的問題領域中的複雜性。您將能夠撰寫更簡單、可重複使用、更容易測試和修改,以及更一致正確的程式碼。本書還向您展示如何使用範疇理論中的模式來彌合物件導向和函數式程式設計之間的差距。

- 學習函數式程式設計的基本原則,並探索函數式程式設計師解決問題的方式
- 瞭解函數式程式設計與物件導向和命令式程式設計的不同之處
- 使用一套實用且適用的設計模式,以函數式方式模擬現實
- 學習如何將函數式和物件導向的特性應用於軟體專案中
- 適當應用函數式設計模式,並使用它們撰寫正確、健壯且易於修改的程式碼


Jack Widman's path to software engineering took a circuitous route. Majoring in Latin in college and studying Roman and Ancient Greek Literature, Philosophy and Music, he then became enamored of Mathematics. Learning, on his own, enough to get into grad school, Jack then completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. While there, he learned about programming languages and writing code. With over 20 years of experience writing software, Jack provides consulting services to a wide range of software teams, especially with respect to converting codebases to a functional style of coding. He has both deep knowledge and a passion for the subject.


Jack Widman的軟體工程之路走過了一條迂迴的道路。他在大學主修拉丁文,研究羅馬和古希臘文學、哲學和音樂,然後對數學產生了濃厚的興趣。他自學了足夠的數學知識,進入了研究所,並在康涅狄格州米德爾敦的衛斯理大學獲得了數學博士學位。在那裡,他學習了編程語言和編寫代碼的技能。擁有超過20年的軟體開發經驗,Jack為各種軟體團隊提供諮詢服務,尤其是在將代碼庫轉換為函數式編程風格方面。他對這個領域有著深入的知識和熱情。