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$458品牌交互化設計:UX/UI 設計完全指導手冊
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Many UX designers are surprised to learn that much of the job isn't about drawing things. It's about knowing what to draw and how to convince people to build it. Whether you're a one-person design team making products from scratch or a C-level product leader managing many products and strategies, UX for Business is your missing guide to real-world business design.
You'll not only learn how to think about design as a professional but also discover how design can move the needle for your entire company. Author Joel Marsh helps you understand stakeholders, business models, the process of designing valuable solutions, dangerous choices that can ruin a product, and how to gain the attention your work deserves. You'll also explore the principles of designing common types of digital products and services, from portfolio sites to social networks to ecosystems.
With this book, you'll learn:
- How to design the right things by understanding value, diagnostics, and probability
- How to conduct UX research and analysis without the luxury of time or money
- The most important aspects of common digital business models
- Methods for getting things done under less-than-ideal circumstances
- How to avoid common pitfalls caused by inexperience
你不僅會學習如何以專業的方式思考設計,還會發現設計如何能夠推動整個公司的進步。作者喬爾·馬什(Joel Marsh)幫助你理解利益相關者、商業模式、設計有價值解決方案的過程、可能毀掉產品的危險選擇,以及如何獲得你工作應得的關注。你還將探索設計常見類型數位產品和服務的原則,從作品集網站到社交網絡再到生態系統。
- 如何通過理解價值、診斷和概率來設計正確的事物
- 如何在沒有時間或金錢的奢侈條件下進行UX研究和分析
- 常見數位商業模式中最重要的方面
- 在不理想的情況下完成工作的方式
- 如何避免因缺乏經驗而造成的常見陷阱