Efficient MySQL Performance: Best Practices and Techniques
暫譯: 高效 MySQL 性能:最佳實踐與技術
Nichter, Daniel
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You'll find several books on basic or advanced MySQL performance, but nothing in between. That's because explaining MySQL performance without addressing its complexity is difficult. This practical book bridges the gap by teaching software engineers mid-level MySQL knowledge beyond the fundamentals, but well shy of deep-level internals required by database administrators (DBAs).
Daniel Nichter shows you how to apply the best practices and techniques that directly affect MySQL performance. You'll learn how to improve performance by analyzing query execution, indexing for common SQL clauses and table joins, optimizing data access, and understanding the most important MySQL metrics. You'll also discover how replication, transactions, row locking, and the cloud influenceMySQL performance.
- Understand why query response time is the North Star of MySQL performance
- Learn query metrics in detail, including aggregation, reporting, and analysis
- See how to index effectively for common SQL clauses and table joins
- Explore the most important server metrics and what they reveal about performance
- Dive into transactions and row locking to gain deep, actionable insight
- Achieve remarkable MySQL performance at any scale
您會發現有幾本關於基本或進階 MySQL 性能的書籍,但沒有介於兩者之間的內容。這是因為在不考慮其複雜性的情況下解釋 MySQL 性能是困難的。本書實用地填補了這一空白,教導軟體工程師超越基礎的中階 MySQL 知識,但遠未達到資料庫管理員 (DBA) 所需的深層內部知識。
Daniel Nichter 向您展示如何應用直接影響 MySQL 性能的最佳實踐和技術。您將學習如何通過分析查詢執行、為常見 SQL 子句和表聯接建立索引、優化數據訪問以及理解最重要的 MySQL 指標來提高性能。您還將發現複製、交易、行鎖定和雲端如何影響 MySQL 性能。
- 了解為什麼查詢響應時間是 MySQL 性能的北極星
- 詳細學習查詢指標,包括聚合、報告和分析
- 了解如何為常見 SQL 子句和表聯接有效地建立索引
- 探索最重要的伺服器指標及其對性能的揭示
- 深入研究交易和行鎖定,以獲得深刻且可行的見解
- 在任何規模下實現卓越的 MySQL 性能
Daniel Nichter is a DBA with over 15 years of experience with MySQL. He started optimizing MySQL performance in 2004 while working in a data center. Soon after, he created HackMySQL.com to share information and tools about MySQL. Daniel is most known for the tools he published during his eight-year tenure at Percona, several of which remain the de-facto standard and in use at the largest tech companies in the world. He is also a MySQL Community Award winner, conference speaker, and wide-ranging open-source contributor. Daniel currently works as a platform engineer at Square, a fintech company with thousands of MySQL servers and hundreds of software engineers.
丹尼爾·尼赫特(Daniel Nichter)是一位擁有超過15年MySQL經驗的資料庫管理員(DBA)。他於2004年在數據中心工作時開始優化MySQL性能。不久之後,他創建了HackMySQL.com,以分享有關MySQL的信息和工具。丹尼爾最為人知的是他在Percona工作八年間發佈的工具,其中幾個仍然是全球最大科技公司使用的事實標準。他也是MySQL社區獎得主、會議演講者以及廣泛的開源貢獻者。丹尼爾目前在Square擔任平台工程師,該公司是一家擁有數千台MySQL伺服器和數百名軟體工程師的金融科技公司。