The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization, 4/e (Paperback)
暫譯: SEO的藝術:掌握搜尋引擎優化,第4版(平裝本)

Enge, Eric, Spencer, Stephan, Stricchiola, Jessie

  • 出版商: O'Reilly
  • 出版日期: 2023-10-03
  • 定價: $2,380
  • 售價: 8.8$2,094 (限時優惠至 2025-03-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 773
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1098102614
  • ISBN-13: 9781098102616
  • 相關分類: 搜尋引擎優化 SEO
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Three acknowledged experts in search engine optimization share guidelines and innovative techniques that will help you plan and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy. Complete with an array of effective tactics from basic to advanced, this fourth edition prepares digital marketers for 2023 and beyond with updates on SEO tools and new search engine optimization methods that have reshaped the SEO landscape, including how generative AI can be used to support SEO and SEO-related tasks.

Novices will receive a thorough SEO education, while experienced SEO practitioners get an extensive reference to support ongoing engagements.

  • Learn about the various intricacies and complexities of internet search
  • Explore the underlying theory and inner workings of search engines and their algorithms
  • Understand the interplay between social media engagement and other factors
  • Discover tools to track results and measure success
  • Examine the effects of key Google algorithm updates
  • Consider opportunities for visibility in mobile, local, vertical, social, and voice search
  • Build a competent SEO team with defined roles
  • Identify what opportunities exist for using generative AI as part of an SEO program
  • Gain insights into the future of search and internet discoverability


三位公認的搜尋引擎優化專家分享了指導方針和創新技術,幫助您規劃和執行全面的 SEO 策略。這第四版包含了一系列從基礎到進階的有效策略,為數位行銷人員準備了 2023 年及以後的更新,包括 SEO 工具和重新塑造 SEO 環境的新搜尋引擎優化方法,還有如何利用生成式 AI 來支持 SEO 和相關任務。

初學者將獲得全面的 SEO 教育,而經驗豐富的 SEO 從業者則能獲得廣泛的參考資料,以支持持續的工作。

- 了解網路搜尋的各種複雜性和細微之處
- 探索搜尋引擎及其演算法的基本理論和內部運作
- 理解社交媒體互動與其他因素之間的相互作用
- 發現追蹤結果和衡量成功的工具
- 檢視關鍵 Google 演算法更新的影響
- 考慮在行動、地方、垂直、社交和語音搜尋中獲得可見性的機會
- 建立一支具備明確角色的專業 SEO 團隊
- 確定在 SEO 計畫中使用生成式 AI 的機會
- 獲得對搜尋和網路可發現性未來的見解


Eric Enge is the founder and CEO of Stone Temple Consulting, a leading SEO firm that serves a wide variety of companies, including a number of Fortune 100 companies. He writes regular columns in Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch, and has also provided feature articles to SEOmoz. The interview series he publishes on the Ramblings about SEO blog (http: // regularly provides information directly from senior people fro Google and Microsoft on a regular basis. Eric is also a highly regarded speaker, and regular speaks on Internet marketing topics at conferences such as Pubcon, Search Engine Strategies, Search Marketing Expo, the American Marketing Association, SEMPO, Internet Retailers, O'Reilly, Web 2.0, and many others. You can also see content published by Eric on a regular basis by following him on Twitter (@stonetemple) or putting him in one of your circles on Google+ (+Eric Enge).

Stephan Spencer is an internationally recognized SEO expert, Internet entrepreneur, sought-after professional speaker, and bestselling author. He is the author of Google Power Search and coauthor of The Art of SEO and of Social eCommerce, all published by Oâ Reilly. He is the host of the podcasts Marketing Speak and The Optimized Geek. Stephan produces and presents the 3-day training intensives Traffic Control and Passions into Profits. He is producing a video-based SEO training and coaching program at Stephan founded the interactive agency Netconcepts in 1995 and grew it into a multinational SEO firm, with dozens of staff in each of its U.S., New Zealand and China offices.

As the founder of Alchemist Media, Inc., a San Francisco search engine marketing company, Jessie Stricchiola began her search engine optimization career in 1997. For the past five years, she has been a guest speaker at each of the search industry's leading conferences including Incisive Media's Search Engine Strategies Conferences, Danny Sullivan's Search Marketing Expo, WebmasterWorld's PubCon, ad: Tech, WebGuild, and As one of the original nine founders of SEMPO (the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization), she served for two years on the Board of Directors for the organization. Jessie has been interviewed by numerous trade publications and media outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Wired Magazine, The Washington Post,,, CNBC, NPR, and The BBC. Her work on click fraud is featured in The Google Story by David Vise.


埃瑞克·恩吉(Eric Enge)是石廟顧問公司(Stone Temple Consulting)的創始人兼首席執行官,這是一家領先的SEO公司,為各種公司提供服務,包括多家《財富》100強公司。他在《Search Engine Land》和《Search Engine Watch》上定期撰寫專欄,並為SEOmoz提供特寫文章。他在Ramblings about SEO博客(上發佈的訪談系列,定期提供來自Google和Microsoft高層的直接資訊。埃瑞克也是一位備受推崇的演講者,經常在Pubcon、Search Engine Strategies、Search Marketing Expo、美國市場協會、SEMPO、Internet Retailers、O'Reilly、Web 2.0等會議上講授網路行銷主題。您也可以通過在Twitter上關注他(@stonetemple)或在Google+上將他加入您的圈子(+Eric Enge)來定期查看埃瑞克發佈的內容。

斯蒂芬·斯賓塞(Stephan Spencer)是一位國際公認的SEO專家、網路企業家、受歡迎的專業演講者和暢銷書作者。他是《Google Power Search》的作者,也是《The Art of SEO》和《Social eCommerce》的共同作者,這些書籍均由O'Reilly出版。他是播客《Marketing Speak》和《The Optimized Geek》的主持人。斯蒂芬製作並呈現為期三天的培訓密集課程《Traffic Control》和《Passions into Profits》。他正在ScienceOfSEO.com製作一個基於視頻的SEO培訓和輔導計劃。斯蒂芬於1995年創立了互動代理機構Netconcepts,並將其發展成為一家跨國SEO公司,在美國、新西蘭和中國的辦公室各有數十名員工。

作為舊金山搜索引擎行銷公司Alchemist Media, Inc.的創始人,傑西·斯特里基奧拉(Jessie Stricchiola)於1997年開始了她的搜索引擎優化職業生涯。在過去五年中,她在搜索行業的主要會議上擔任嘉賓演講者,包括Incisive Media的Search Engine Strategies Conferences、丹尼·沙利文(Danny Sullivan)的Search Marketing Expo、WebmasterWorld的PubCon、ad: Tech、WebGuild和。作為SEMPO(搜索引擎行銷專業組織)的九位創始人之一,她在該組織的董事會任職兩年。傑西曾接受多家行業出版物和媒體的訪問,包括《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《Wired Magazine》、《華盛頓郵報》、《》、《》、《CNBC》、《NPR》和《BBC》。她在點擊詐騙方面的工作被大衛·維斯(David Vise)的《The Google Story》所報導。