Robust Python: Write Clean and Maintainable Code (Paperback) (穩健的 Python:撰寫乾淨且易於維護的程式碼)

Viafore, Patrick




Does it seem like your Python projects are getting bigger and bigger? Are you feeling the pain as your codebase expands and gets tougher to debug and maintain? Python is an easy language to learn and use, but that also means systems can quickly grow beyond comprehension. Thankfully, Python has features to help developers overcome maintainability woes.

In this practical book, author Patrick Viafore shows you how to use Python's type system to the max. You'll look at user-defined types, such as classes and enums, and Python's type hinting system. You'll also learn how to make Python extensible and how to use a comprehensive testing strategy as a safety net. With these tips and techniques, you'll write clearer and more maintainable code.

  • Learn why types are essential in modern development ecosystems
  • Understand how type choices such as classes, dictionaries, and enums reflect specific intents
  • Make Python extensible for the future without adding bloat
  • Use popular Python tools to increase the safety and robustness of your codebase
  • Evaluate current code to detect common maintainability gotchas
  • Build a safety net around your codebase with linters and tests



在這本實用的書中,作者Patrick Viafore向你展示如何充分利用Python的類型系統。你將學習使用用戶定義類型,如類和枚舉,以及Python的類型提示系統。你還將學習如何使Python具有擴展性,以及如何使用全面的測試策略作為安全網。通過這些技巧和技術,你將能夠撰寫更清晰、更易於維護的代碼。


- 瞭解為什麼類型在現代開發生態系統中至關重要
- 理解類型選擇(如類、字典和枚舉)反映特定意圖的方式
- 使Python具有未來的擴展性,而不會增加冗餘代碼
- 使用流行的Python工具提高代碼庫的安全性和穩健性
- 評估現有代碼以檢測常見的可維護性問題
- 使用檢查器和測試環境為代碼庫構建安全網


Patrick Viafore has been working in the software industry for 13] years, working on mission critical software systems, including in lightning detection, telecommunications and operating systems. His work in static typed languages has influenced his approach to dynamic languages and how we can make them safer and more robust. He also is an organizer of the meetup, where he can observe common Python obstacles, from beginners to experts. His goal is to make computer science/software engineering topics more approachable to the developer community.

Patrick currently works at Canonical, developing pipelines/tools to deploy Ubuntu images to public cloud providers. He also does software consulting and contracting through his business Kudzera, LLC.


Patrick Viafore在軟體產業工作了13年,專注於關鍵任務的軟體系統,包括閃電偵測、電信和作業系統。他在靜態類型語言的工作經驗影響了他對動態語言的看法,以及如何使它們更安全和穩健。他也是 meetup的組織者,可以觀察到初學者到專家在Python上遇到的常見障礙。他的目標是使計算機科學/軟體工程主題更容易接近開發者社群。

Patrick目前在Canonical工作,開發用於將Ubuntu映像部署到公共雲提供商的流程/工具。他還通過他的公司Kudzera, LLC提供軟體諮詢和承包服務。