Data Science for Business 2019 (2 BOOKS IN 1): Master Data Analytics & Machine Learning with Optimized Marketing Strategies (Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Algorithms & Predictive Modelling
暫譯: 商業數據科學 2019(兩本合一):掌握數據分析與機器學習,優化行銷策略(人工智慧、神經網絡、演算法與預測建模)

Riley Adams , Matt Henderson


Are you looking for new ways to grow your business, with resources you already have? Do you want to know how the big players like Netflix, Amazon, or Shopify use data analytics to MULTIPLY their growth? Keep listening to learn how to use data analytics to maximize YOUR business.

Yes, you have customers that love your product. However, you’re having trouble finding new customers and captivating their attention. You realized you're also losing customers, and you have no clue what you can do to prevent this from happening. How do I stand out in a crowd of businesses? How do I target my perfect client and make them choose ME? If this sounds like you, Data Analytics for Businesses if the guide you need.

This book will walk you through the fundamental principles of data science and how to apply the “data-analytic mindset” when approaching your business. You will learn how to extract valuable insights from data sources you ALREADY HAVE, and make informed business decisions to help you achieve your goals.

With real-world examples of how to apply data analytics to your business, this book does what others fail to do. Break the process down step by step, so you can optimize unique parts of your business; such as improving customer loyalty or reducing churn. This guide also helps you understand the many data-mining techniques in use today.

Discover the value of applied data science for business decision-making. You’ll learn how to think data-analytically and make connections between data sources to unveil insights you’ve never imagined. 

In this book you will learn:

  • Why every company should be leveraging Data Analytics
  • The difference between Big Data, Data Science and Data Analytics
  • How to achieve your goals by applying data-analytical thinking to your business
  • The recommended data mining techniques for each of your business goals
  • The most important thing to remember when extracting knowledge from your data
  • How to use data analytics to improve brand loyalty and customer experience
  • How to hire the best data scientist, and more.

If you are overwhelmed by this whole new topic of data analytics, don’t be. This guide is designed for beginners, with all the guidance you need to understand the fundamentals of harnessing data analytics for your business. So even if you have never heard about data analytics until today, I promise we will walk through this step-by-step.

By the end of this, you’ll be able to think analytically and make informed business decisions. This book illustrates how EASY it is to find success by just applying a few principles.


您是否在尋找利用現有資源來擴展業務的新方法?您想知道像 Netflix、Amazon 或 Shopify 這樣的大型企業是如何利用數據分析來倍增其增長的嗎?繼續收聽以了解如何使用數據分析來最大化您的業務。






  • 為什麼每家公司都應該利用數據分析

  • 大數據、數據科學和數據分析之間的區別

  • 如何通過將數據分析思維應用於您的業務來實現目標

  • 針對每個業務目標的推薦數據挖掘技術

  • 從數據中提取知識時最重要的事項

  • 如何使用數據分析來改善品牌忠誠度和客戶體驗

  • 如何聘請最佳數據科學家,等等。

