Windows 10 2019 Guide: The Beginner to Expert Guide to Master the Windows 10 like a Pro and Troubleshoot Common Problems
暫譯: Windows 10 2019 指南:從初學者到專家的專業掌握與常見問題排解指南
Philip, Michael
Windows 10 2019 Comprehensive Manual. The Beginner to Expert GuideWindows 10 is the most powerful operating system that Microsoft has ever made, but it's also the most complex. While the user interface is extremely intuitive, you'll have to dig a little deeper to customize your experience, get maximum performance and make the most of features such as the Cortana voice assistant, Edge browser and multiple desktops. If you're still using Windows 7 and dread its impending death, then we've put together this helpful guide to ease your transition into Windows 10.This book gives you all the in-depth information on this new operating system and its procedures, right from what all hardware and other system components are required to install this OS in your system, to its advanced features and other uses. Here is a preview of the following topics: -An introduction to windows 10, what it is, and what you need to begin setup-Customizing windows 10 such as: -How to change desktop background-Setting up a desktop slideshow-How to change color accent-Controlling transparency effects -Disabling my people-Customizing live tiles-How to customize the start menu etc-Installing devices such as: -Installing printers/scanners-How to connect phone to windows 10-Change mouse settings etc-File and folder management such as: -Using file explorer-User folder-Organizing files and folders-Customizing windows 10 file explorer etc-Microsoft edge web browsers, such as: -Getting started with the edge-Turning off flash in the edge etc-21 settings to change in windows 10 to reclaim your privacy-Tips and tricks to help you maximize windows 10 experience-Troubleshooting common problems-Much, much more Download your copy of "Windows 10" by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now 1-Click" button.
Windows 10 2019 綜合手冊:從初學者到專家的指南Windows 10 是微軟所製作的最強大操作系統,但它也是最複雜的。雖然用戶界面非常直觀,但您需要深入了解以自訂您的體驗、獲得最佳性能,並充分利用 Cortana 語音助手、Edge 瀏覽器和多桌面等功能。如果您仍在使用 Windows 7 並擔心其即將結束的生命,那麼我們整理了這本有用的指南,以幫助您順利過渡到 Windows 10。本書提供了有關這個新操作系統及其程序的所有深入資訊,從安裝此操作系統所需的所有硬體和其他系統組件,到其進階功能和其他用途。以下是一些主題的預覽: - Windows 10 的介紹,什麼是 Windows 10,以及您需要什麼來開始設置 - 自訂 Windows 10,例如: - 如何更改桌面背景 - 設置桌面幻燈片 - 如何更改顏色重點 - 控制透明度效果 - 禁用我的人員 - 自訂動態磚 - 如何自訂開始菜單等 - 安裝設備,例如: - 安裝印表機/掃描器 - 如何將手機連接到 Windows 10 - 更改滑鼠設置等 - 檔案和資料夾管理,例如: - 使用檔案總管 - 用戶資料夾 - 組織檔案和資料夾 - 自訂 Windows 10 檔案總管等 - Microsoft Edge 網頁瀏覽器,例如: - 開始使用 Edge - 在 Edge 中關閉 Flash 等 - 在 Windows 10 中更改的 21 個設置以恢復您的隱私 - 幫助您最大化 Windows 10 體驗的提示和技巧 - 排除常見問題 - 還有更多更多 下載您的 'Windows 10' 副本,請向上滾動並點擊 '立即購買 1 次點擊' 按鈕。