Intelligent Photonics Systems: Technology and Applications
暫譯: 智慧光子系統:技術與應用
Tiwari, Manish, Singh, Ghanshyam, Saharia, Ankur
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2025-03-27
- 售價: $4,250
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,038
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 154
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 1032939443
- ISBN-13: 9781032939445
光電子學 Photonics
The text comprehensively discusses the implementation of sensor systems using artificial intelligence, quantum device and circuit with artificial intelligence, and biomedical implementation of artificial intelligence-based optoelectronic circuits. It covers important topics such as photonic communication, optical and photonics neural networks, neuromorphic computing, quantum optics, and artificial intelligence leap in optical sensors, including biophotonics.
This book:
- Provides insights about the advancement in optoelectronics devices using artificial intelligence.
- Discusses artificial intelligence-integrated photonic crystal fiber-based devices.
- Covers artificial intelligence-integrated quantum networks for 6G communication and artificial intelligence-enhanced quantum optical devices.
- Presents neuromorphic computing for photonic circuits and deep learning-enabled optical sensors.
- Showcases development in artificial intelligence for biophotonics applications, deep learning revolution in optical networks.
It is primarily written for senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communications engineering, and computer engineering.
- 提供有關使用人工智慧推進光電裝置的見解。
- 討論整合人工智慧的光子晶體光纖裝置。
- 涵蓋用於6G通信的整合人工智慧的量子網路及增強人工智慧的量子光學裝置。
- 介紹光子電路的類神經計算及深度學習驅動的光學感測器。
- 展示人工智慧在生物光子學應用中的發展,以及光學網路中的深度學習革命。
Manish Tiwari received Ph.D. in ECE in the field of Photonics from MNIT Jaipur. Presently, he is Professor and Head of Department of ECE at Manipal University Jaipur. He has more than 25 years of professional experience in various colleges and universities of repute. He has published more than 100+ research papers in reputed journals and conferences, and book chapters. He has also authored and edited more than a dozen books. He has also supervised more than 30 projects sponsored by DST Rajasthan. He is principal investigator in a BRICS project on Quantum Satellite and Fiber Communication (QuSaF) along with research partners in UKZN Durban, PSUTI Samara and USTC Shanghai. He has also served on panel of experts and editor in various workshops by CSTT, MHRD, Govt. of India. He has been visiting as a researcher to City University, London under UKIERI project in Microstructured Optical Fibers during 2010 and 2011 and Tsinghua University, Beijing during 2016. Dr. Tiwari has presented talks in PIERS at NTU Singapore, APMP at PolyU-Hong Kong, TJMW at KMUT-Bangkok and Kasetsart University-Bangkok, City University- London and several UKIERI workshops. He is on the panel of Traveling Lecturer Program of reputed societies like SPIE (USA) and OSA (USA) under which he has delivered invited talks in USTC Shanghai, UESTC Chengdu, Tsinghua University Beijing, ITS Indonesia, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban (SA) on photonics technologies and career development. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and IEEE Photonics Society, Life Fellow of the Optical Society of India (OSI-India), Senior Member of OSA, Member of SPIE and Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) India. He has been a Technical Program Committee member of many IEEE conferences and reviewer of IEEE/Elsevier/OSA/Springer/T&F journals. His current research interest includes Free Space and Optical Fiber Communication, Photonics, Nonlinear Optics, Optical Sensors, Specialty Optical Fibers, Space Division Multiplexing, Structured Light, Photonic Crystal Fiber for nonlinear applications, Space Division Multiplexing and Sensing. Photonic Switching.
Ghanshyam Singh received the B. Tech. from NIT Silchar, India, M. Tech. and PhD degrees in Electronics and Comm. Engg. from MNIT Jaipur, India. Currently, he is a Full Professor with the department of ECE, MNIT Jaipur, India. He worked as visiting research scholar/professor at HW University Edinburgh, UK, University of Eastern Finland Joensuu and Keio University Japan. He has published over 150 research articles in peer reviewed journals/conference proceedings. He is a senior member of SPIE, OSA, IEEE and a Fellow of OSI and IETE. He is the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Award of the Photonics Society. He is Chair (Elect) for OSA TG on Optics in Digital Systems and Member for SPIE Fellowship Committee. He is also serving as Secretary for IEEE Photonics Society Rajasthan Chapter (PHO36), faculty advisor to OSA and IEEE Sensor Council Student Chapters of MNIT Jaipur. In the past, he had joint research collaborations with the researchers from Keio University (Japan), University of Vienna (Austria), LNPU (Ukraine) and Cairo University (Egypt). He is presently collaborating on a multi- institutional research project with researchers from University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), PSUTI Samara (Russia) and University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai (China) for a BRICS STI Framework Program (2020-2023). His current research interest includes Micro and Nano-structured Photonic devices for Integrated Photonics, Signal processing in optical circuits.
Ankur Saharia is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Manipal University Jaipur, India. He has completed his PhD and M. Tech from Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India in the domain of integrated optics. He has more than 50 publications in the field of integrated photonics, optical sensors and quantum logic circuit and has many international collaborations for his research. He has been an academic for eight years at Poornima Group of Colleges where he has been recognised several times for producing outstanding contributions. He has organized many conferences and workshops and has also received couple of travel grants to attend the prestigious annual SLC (student leadership conference) organized by OSA at Washington D.C. (USA) and leadership Conference in 2021 at USA. Since the beginning of his tenure at MUJ, he has organized numerous international events such as webinars, conferences and workshops with the participation of several distinguished speakers and renowned scientists as well as hundreds of scholars from all over the globe and has inspired them to work in the domain of photonics and optics.
Manish Tiwari 獲得了 MNIT Jaipur 電子與通訊工程 (ECE) 領域的光子學博士學位。目前,他是 Manipal University Jaipur 的 ECE 系主任及教授。他在多所知名大學擁有超過 25 年的專業經驗。他在知名期刊和會議上發表了超過 100 篇研究論文及書籍章節,並且著作和編輯了十多本書籍。他還指導了超過 30 個由拉賈斯坦邦科技部 (DST Rajasthan) 贊助的項目。他是 BRICS 量子衛星與光纖通信 (QuSaF) 項目的主要研究者,與來自 UKZN Durban、PSUTI Samara 和 USTC Shanghai 的研究夥伴合作。他曾在印度政府的 CSTT 和 MHRD 舉辦的各種研討會中擔任專家小組成員和編輯。他在 2010 年和 2011 年期間,作為研究員訪問了倫敦城市大學 (City University, London),並於 2016 年訪問了北京清華大學 (Tsinghua University, Beijing)。Tiwari 博士在新加坡國立大學 (NTU Singapore) 的 PIERS、香港理工大學 (PolyU-Hong Kong) 的 APMP、曼谷的 KMUT-TJMW、曼谷的 Kasetsart University、倫敦城市大學以及多個 UKIERI 研討會上發表過演講。他是美國 SPIE 和 OSA 等知名學會的 Traveling Lecturer Program 成員,並在 USTC Shanghai、UESTC 成都、北京清華大學、印尼 ITS、南非夸祖魯-納塔爾大學 (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban) 等地就光子技術和職業發展進行了受邀演講。他是 IEEE 和 IEEE Photonics Society 的資深會員,印度光學學會 (OSI-India) 的終身會員,OSA 的資深會員,SPIE 的會員,以及印度電子與電信工程師學會 (IETE) 的院士。他曾擔任多個 IEEE 會議的技術程序委員會成員,並擔任 IEEE/Elsevier/OSA/Springer/T&F 期刊的審稿人。他目前的研究興趣包括自由空間和光纖通信、光子學、非線性光學、光學傳感器、特種光纖、空間分割多工、結構光、用於非線性應用的光子晶體光纖、空間分割多工和感測、光子開關。
Ghanshyam Singh 獲得了印度 NIT Silchar 的 B. Tech. 學位,並在印度 MNIT Jaipur 獲得電子與通訊工程 (ECE) 的 M. Tech. 和博士學位。目前,他是印度 MNIT Jaipur ECE 系的全職教授。他曾在英國愛丁堡的 HW University、芬蘭東部大學 (University of Eastern Finland) 和日本慶應義塾大學 (Keio University) 擔任訪問研究學者/教授。他在同行評審的期刊和會議論文集中發表了超過 150 篇研究文章。他是 SPIE、OSA 和 IEEE 的資深會員,以及 OSI 和 IETE 的院士。他是 2017 年 IEEE 光子學會傑出講者獎的獲得者。他是 OSA 數位系統光學技術小組的選舉主席,並且是 SPIE 院士委員會的成員。他還擔任 IEEE Photonics Society Rajasthan Chapter (PHO36) 的秘書,並擔任 MNIT Jaipur OSA 和 IEEE Sensor Council 學生分會的教學顧問。在過去,他曾與來自日本慶應義塾大學、奧地利維也納大學、烏克蘭 LNPU 和埃及開羅大學的研究人員進行聯合研究合作。他目前正與來自南非夸祖魯-納塔爾大學 (University of KwaZulu-Natal)、俄羅斯 PSUTI Samara 和中國上海科技大學 (USTC Shanghai) 的研究人員合作,進行一項 BRICS 科技創新框架計畫 (2020-2023)。他目前的研究興趣包括用於集成光子學的微型和納米結構光子設備、光學電路中的信號處理。
Ankur Saharia 目前在印度 Manipal University Jaipur 擔任助理教授。他在印度 Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur 完成了光學集成領域的博士和碩士學位。他在集成光子學、光學傳感器和量子邏輯電路領域擁有超過 50 篇的出版物,並且在他的研究中有許多國際合作。他在 Poornima Group of Colleges 擔任學術工作已有八年,並多次因其卓越貢獻而受到表彰。他組織了許多會議和研討會,並獲得了幾個旅行補助金,以參加在美國華盛頓特區舉辦的 OSA 年度學生領導會議 (SLC) 和 2021 年的領導會議。自他在 MUJ 任職以來,他組織了許多國際活動,如網路研討會、會議和工作坊,並邀請了多位傑出講者和知名科學家參加,吸引了來自全球數百名學者的參與,並激勵他們在光子學和光學領域工作。