As AI technology is rapidly progressing in capability and being adopted more widely across society, it is more important than ever to understand the potential risks AI may pose and how AI can be developed and deployed safely. Introduction to AI Safety, Ethics, and Society offers a comprehensive and accessible guide to this topic.
This book explores a range of ways in which societies could fail to harness AI safely in the coming years, such as malicious use, accidental failures, erosion of safety standards due to competition between AI developers or nation-states, and potential loss of control over autonomous systems. Grounded in the latest technical advances, this book offers a timely perspective on the challenges involved in making current AI systems safer. Ensuring that AI systems are safe is not just a problem for researchers in machine learning - it is a societal challenge that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries. Integrating insights from safety engineering, economics, and other relevant fields, this book provides readers with fundamental concepts to understand and manage AI risks more effectively.
This is an invaluable resource for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses relating to AI Safety & Alignment, AI Ethics, AI Policy, and the Societal Impacts of AI, as well as anyone trying to better navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of AI safety.
Dr. Dan Hendrycks is a machine learning researcher and Director of the Center for AI Safety (CAIS), USA. Dan holds a Ph.D. in Machine Learning from UC Berkeley. Dr. Hendrycks has given dozens of accessible and engaging talks on AI safety to diverse audiences at institutions such as OpenAI, Google, and Stanford. His expertise is regularly sought, evidenced by his role in organizing AI safety-related workshops at prestigious conferences, including NeurIPS, ICML, and ECCV. His work has not only had a substantial impact on the academic community but has also gained considerable public attention. Dr. Hendrycks has been profiled in media outlets like the Boston Globe and has had his work featured in the BBC, New York Times, TIME Magazine, and Washington Post.
丹·亨德里克斯博士是機器學習研究員及美國人工智慧安全中心(Center for AI Safety, CAIS)的主任。丹擁有加州大學伯克利分校的機器學習博士學位。亨德里克斯博士曾在OpenAI、Google和史丹佛等機構向多元化的觀眾發表過數十場易於理解且引人入勝的人工智慧安全演講。他的專業知識經常受到需求,這從他在包括NeurIPS、ICML和ECCV等知名會議中組織與人工智慧安全相關的工作坊的角色可見一斑。他的研究不僅對學術界產生了重大影響,還引起了相當大的公眾關注。亨德里克斯博士曾在《波士頓環球報》等媒體上被報導,並且他的工作也曾在BBC、《紐約時報》、《時代雜誌》和《華盛頓郵報》中被特別報導。