Design, Development and Analysis of Lunar Crescent Visibility Criterion with Python
暫譯: 使用 Python 設計、開發與分析月牙可見性標準
Faid, Muhamad Syazwan Bin, Nawawi, Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd, Saadon, Mohd Hafiz Mohd
The analysis of lunar crescent visibility criterion is vital in providing a comparative insight for predicting the visibility and suitability for Hijri calendar determination. While there have been previous attempts to measure the performance of lunar crescent visibility criterion, these attempts only apply to a singular analysis and not a comparative examination.
Design, Development and Analysis of Lunar Crescent Visibility Criterion with Python explores the development of an analysis tool for lunar crescent visibility criterion using an integrated lunar crescent visibility database. The analysis tool, called HilalPy and HilalObs, was developed in the form of a Python library, so that it can be integrated into other software and webpages to enable deployment into various operating systems. This book will provide useful insights for the future development of lunar crescent visibility criterion, particularly for calendrical purposes.
Key Features:
- Presents an analysis tool for lunar crescent visibility based on an integrated lunar crescent report database
- Offers researchers and practitioners the capability to perform comparative analyses of the percentage of reliability in lunar crescent visibility criteria, thereby contributing to the construction of robust criteria for determining the Hijri calendar
- Provides a comprehensive resource for researchers, students, policymakers, and practitioners involved in the determination of the Hijri calendar
對於預測月牙可見性及其在 Hijri 曆法確定中的適用性,分析月牙可見性標準是至關重要的。雖然之前有嘗試測量月牙可見性標準的性能,但這些嘗試僅適用於單一分析,而非比較性檢驗。
使用 Python 設計、開發和分析月牙可見性標準 探討了利用整合的月牙可見性數據庫開發月牙可見性標準分析工具的過程。這個名為 HilalPy 和 HilalObs 的分析工具以 Python 函式庫的形式開發,便於整合到其他軟體和網頁中,以便在各種作業系統上部署。本書將為未來月牙可見性標準的發展提供有用的見解,特別是在曆法用途方面。
- 基於整合的月牙報告數據庫,提供月牙可見性的分析工具
- 為研究人員和實務工作者提供進行月牙可見性標準可靠性百分比的比較分析的能力,從而有助於建立穩健的 Hijri 曆法確定標準
- 為參與 Hijri 曆法確定的研究人員、學生、政策制定者和實務工作者提供全面的資源
Muhamad Syazwan Faid, PhD. Department of Islamic Studies, Centre for General Studies and Co-curricular, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd Nawawi, PhD. Department of Fiqh and Usul, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya.
Mohd Hafiz Mohd Saadon PhD. Department of Fiqh and Usul, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya.
穆哈馬德·西亞茲萬·法伊德(Muhamad Syazwan Faid),博士。馬來西亞敦胡賽因奧恩大學(Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia)一般研究與課外活動中心伊斯蘭研究系。
穆罕默德·賽夫爾·安瓦爾·穆罕默德·納瓦維(Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd Nawawi),博士。馬來亞大學(Universiti Malaya)伊斯蘭研究學院法學與法理學系。
穆罕默德·哈菲茲·穆罕默德·沙阿頓(Mohd Hafiz Mohd Saadon),博士。馬來亞大學(Universiti Malaya)伊斯蘭研究學院法學與法理學系。