Quantum Computing: A Journey Into the Next Frontier of Information and Communication Security (量子計算:資訊與通信安全的新前沿之旅)
Hammoudeh, Mohammad, Alessa, Abdullah T., Sherbeeni, Amro M.
This book explores the exciting world of quantum computing, from its theoretical foundations to its practical applications, offering both non-technical and expert readers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to this cutting-edge technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we process and transmit information.
Quantum Computing: A Journey into the Next Frontier of Information and Communication Security provides a comprehensive guide to the exciting and rapidly evolving field of quantum computing and communication security. The book starts by introducing the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum computing, providing readers with a solid understanding of the principles behind this revolutionary technology. The book emphasizes the practical applications of quantum computing and its adoption strategies in response to the urgency of quantum readiness. While many books on the subject focus solely on the theory, this book explores the risks and opportunities of quantum computing, and how to prepare and adopt this technology. From there, the book explores various quantum concepts and their security applications, covering topics such as quantum-safe cryptography, standards, implications on artificial intelligence, and optimization.
The book is written for students, researchers, technology leaders, and professionals who work in the field of cybersecurity, communications, digital transformation, data analytics, and information systems. The book is suitable for researchers with various technical knowledge.
Mohammad Hammoudeh is the Saudi Aramco Cybersecurity Chair Professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. His research interest is in quantum communication technologies, quantum-safe encryption methods, and quantum adoption strategies in both IT and OT systems. He has hands-on experience in working with quantum hardware and algorithms. He developed practical ways of evaluating the real applications of new technology in the cyberspace such as quantum computing, digital twins, and blockchains.
Abdullah T. Alessa is a cybersecurity professional at Saudi Aramco cybersecurity operations. He has ten years of experience in various cybersecurity domains. He led multiple teams within the organization and currently serves as the head of Cryptography Solutions.
Amro M. Sherbeeni is working as a cybersecurity consultant in Saudi Aramco with over 25 years of experience in different IT & cybersecurity fields. He led multiple teams, projects, and functions within the organization and currently leading the Zero Trust adoption.
Clinton M. Firth is a partner at PwC focusing on digital, cyber and resilience. He is an experienced cybersecurity consulting executive, holding many senior and global roles for large consulting and system integrator firms. He has diverse experience working with commercial, government, and defense clients. Clinton leads a passionate team of industry specialists to address some of the most complex technology trust problems of our time.
Abdullah S. Alessa is an information technology and computing professional at Saudi Aramco computer operations. He has nine years of experience in several computing technology fields and lead various emerging technology projects in Saudi Aramco IT infrastructure.
Mohammad Hammoudeh 是沙烏地阿美石油公司在法赫德石油與礦業大學的網路安全講座教授。他的研究興趣包括量子通信技術、量子安全加密方法,以及在資訊技術(IT)和運營技術(OT)系統中的量子採用策略。他在量子硬體和演算法方面擁有實務經驗,並開發了評估新技術在網路空間中實際應用的實用方法,例如量子計算、數位雙胞胎和區塊鏈。
Abdullah T. Alessa 是沙烏地阿美石油公司的網路安全專業人士,擁有十年的各種網路安全領域經驗。他在組織內領導多個團隊,目前擔任加密解決方案部門的負責人。
Amro M. Sherbeeni 在沙烏地阿美石油公司擔任網路安全顧問,擁有超過25年的不同資訊技術和網路安全領域經驗。他在組織內領導多個團隊、專案和職能,目前負責推動零信任的採用。
Clinton M. Firth 是普華永道的合夥人,專注於數位、網路和韌性。他是一位經驗豐富的網路安全顧問高管,曾在大型顧問和系統整合公司擔任多個高級和全球職位。他擁有與商業、政府和國防客戶合作的多元經驗。Clinton 領導著一支充滿熱情的行業專家團隊,致力於解決當前一些最複雜的技術信任問題。
Abdullah S. Alessa 是沙烏地阿美石油公司計算機運營部門的資訊技術和計算專業人士。他在多個計算技術領域擁有九年的經驗,並在沙烏地阿美的資訊技術基礎設施中領導各種新興技術專案。