Software Design by Example: A Tool-Based Introduction with Python builds small versions of the things programmers use in order to give some insights into how experienced programmers think. This material can be used for self-paced study, in an undergraduate course on software design, or as an intensive workshop for programmers.
《以範例學習軟體設計:基於工具的 Python 入門》構建了程式設計師所使用事物的小型版本,以提供對經驗豐富的程式設計師思維的洞察。這些材料可以用於自學、作為本科軟體設計課程的一部分,或作為針對程式設計師的密集工作坊。
Dr. Greg Wilson is a programmer, author, and educator based in Toronto. He co-founded and was the first Executive Director of Software Carpentry, which has taught basic software skills to tens of thousands of researchers worldwide, and has authored or edited over a dozen books (including two for children). Greg is a member of the Python Software Foundation and a recipient of ACM SIGSOFT's Influential Educator of the Year award.
格雷格·威爾森博士是一位位於多倫多的程式設計師、作家和教育工作者。他共同創立了 Software Carpentry 並擔任首任執行董事,該機構已向全球數萬名研究人員教授基本的軟體技能。他撰寫或編輯了十多本書籍(包括兩本兒童書籍)。格雷格是 Python Software Foundation 的成員,並獲得了 ACM SIGSOFT 的年度影響力教育者獎。