Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of machine learning and nature-inspired optimization algorithms are vastly used in material science. These techniques improve many quality metrics, such as reliability and ergonomics.
This book highlights the recent challenges in this field and helps readers to understand the subject and develop future works. It reviews the latest methods and applications of AI in material science. It covers a wide range of topics, including Material processing; Properties prediction; Conventional machining, such as turning, boring, grinding, and milling; non-conventional machining, such as electrical discharge machining, electrochemical machining, laser machining, plasma machining, ultrasonic machining, chemical machining, and water-jet machining; Machine tools, such as programming, design, and maintenance. AI techniques reviewed in the book include Machine learning, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Particle swarm optimization, Cuckoo search, Grey wolf optimizer, and Ant colony optimization.
Mohamed Arezki Mellal is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, M'Hamed Bougara University, Boumerdes, Algeria. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, USA and at some other universities. Prof. Mellal was ranked in the Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide by Stanford University (2022) and 1st by the 47th National University Commission for the Professorship in Mechanical Engineering in 2022. He was also involved in the international project "Algerian National Laboratory for Maintenance Education," in conjunction with the European Union (Erasmus+). He has supervised numerous dissertations, published in various SCIE journals, and conference proceedings. Prof. Mellal has edited 9 books and published 13 book chapters. He was an Invited Keynote Speaker at various conferences, served as a Session Chair for the 2nd and 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS 2017 and 2018, held in Milan (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain), respectively. He also chaired sessions at the 8th International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automation Engineering (ICMEAE 2021), Beijing, China, and 5th International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications, Dehradun, India, 2021. Prof. Mellal was recognized as the Best Reviewer for the International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing (ICVISP) in 2017 and 2018, held in Osaka (Japan) and Las Vegas (USA), respectively. He is an Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (Topic: Mechatronics) - IF=2.3. He has served as a committee member for over 80 international conferences and acted as a Guest Editor for journal special sessions. He continues to serve as a regular reviewer for more than 30 SCIE-indexed journals. His research interests include the implementation of AI for solving engineering problems.
Mohamed Arezki Mellal 是阿爾及利亞 M'Hamed Bougara 大學技術學院機械工程系的教授。他曾擔任美國馬里蘭大學機械工程系的訪問學者,以及其他一些大學的訪問學者。Mellal 教授在 2022 年被史丹佛大學評選為全球前 2% 科學家,並在同年獲得第 47 屆國家大學委員會機械工程教授職位的第一名。他還參與了與歐盟(Erasmus+)合作的國際項目「阿爾及利亞國家維護教育實驗室」。他指導了多篇論文,並在各種 SCIE 期刊和會議論文集中發表過文章。Mellal 教授編輯了 9 本書籍,並發表了 13 篇書章。他曾在多個會議上擔任邀請主題演講者,並擔任 2017 年和 2018 年在米蘭(意大利)和巴塞隆納(西班牙)舉行的第二屆和第三屆國際系統可靠性與安全會議(ICSRS)的會議主席。他還在 2021 年於中國北京舉行的第八屆國際機電一體化、電子與自動化工程會議(ICMEAE 2021)和 2021 年在印度德拉敦舉行的第五屆國際工程應用數學技術會議擔任會議主席。Mellal 教授在 2017 年和 2018 年的國際視覺、影像與信號處理會議(ICVISP)中被評為最佳審稿人,該會議分別在日本大阪和美國拉斯維加斯舉行。他是期刊《Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering》(主題:機電一體化)的副編輯,影響因子為 2.3。他曾擔任超過 80 個國際會議的委員會成員,並擔任期刊特別會議的客座編輯。他持續為超過 30 本 SCIE 索引期刊擔任常規審稿人。他的研究興趣包括應用人工智慧解決工程問題。