Although recent advances in technology have made life easier for individuals, societies, and states, they have also led to the emergence of new and different problems in the context of security. In this context, it does not seem possible to analyze the developments in the field of cyber security only with information theft or hacking, especially in the age of artificial intelligence and autonomous weapons. For this reason, the main purpose of this book is to explain the phenomena from a different perspective by addressing artificial intelligence and autonomous weapons, which remain in the background while focusing on cyber security. By addressing these phenomena, the book aims to make the study multidisciplinary and to include authors from different countries and different geographies. The scope and content of the study differs significantly from other books in terms of the issues it addresses and deals with.
When we look at the main features of the study, we can say the following:
- Handles the concept of security within the framework of technological development
- Includes artificial intelligence and radicalization, which has little place in the literature
- Evaluates the phenomenon of cyber espionage
- Provides an approach to future wars
- Examines the course of wars within the framework of the Clausewitz trilogy
- Explores ethical elements
- Addresses legal approaches
In this context, the book offers readers a hope as well as a warning about how technology can be used for the public good. Individuals working in government, law enforcement, and technology companies can learn useful lessons from it.
- 在科技發展的框架內處理安全概念
- 包含在文獻中較少提及的人工智慧和激進化
- 評估網路間諜活動的現象
- 提供對未來戰爭的看法
- 在克勞塞維茨三部曲的框架內檢視戰爭的進程
- 探索倫理元素
- 討論法律途徑
Mehmet Emin Erendor earned a bachelor's degree in international relations at Kırıkkale University in 2008, a master's degree in international law at the University of Sussex, Brighton in 2011, and a PhD in international relations at the University of Southampton in 2017. In 2017-2018, he worked as a Research Assistant at Çukurova University. Since 2018, he has been an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey. His research interests include cyber security, terrorism, the Turkic world, Turkish Foreign Policy, and international organizations.
Mehmet Emin Erendor於2008年在Kırıkkale大學獲得國際關係學士學位,2011年在薩塞克斯大學獲得國際法碩士學位,並於2017年在南安普敦大學獲得國際關係博士學位。在2017至2018年間,他在Çukurova大學擔任研究助理。自2018年以來,他一直擔任土耳其阿達納阿爾帕斯蘭·圖爾克科技大學國際關係系的副教授。他的研究興趣包括網路安全、恐怖主義、突厥世界、土耳其外交政策及國際組織。