Hidden in White Sight: How AI Empowers and Deepens Systemic Racism (隱藏在白色視野中:人工智慧如何加深系統性種族主義)
Lawrence, Calvin
Artificial Intelligence was meant to be the great social equalizer that helps promote fairness by removing human bias from the equation, but is this true? Given that the policing and judicial systems can display human bias, this book explores how the technology they use can also reflect these prejudices.
From healthcare services to social scoring in exams, to applying for and getting loans, AI outcomes often restrict those most in need of these services. Through personal stories from an esteemed Black Data Scientist and AI expert, this book attempts to demystify the algorithmic black box.
AI pervades all aspects of modern society and affects everyone within it, yet its internal biases are rarely confronted. This book advises readers on what they can do to fight against it, including the introduction of a proposed AI Bill of Rights, whilst also providing specific recommendations for AI developers and technologists.
https: //hiddeninwhitesight.com/
https: //hiddeninwhitesight.com/
Calvin Lawrence is the IBM CTO Responsible and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, a Distinguished Engineer, and
Member of IBM's Corporate Artificial Intelligence Ethics Board & IBM's Academy of Technology.
Calvin Lawrence 是 IBM CTO 負責和可信的人工智慧,他是一位傑出工程師,也是 IBM 公司人工智慧倫理委員會和 IBM 技術學院的成員。