Intelligent Mobile Malware Detection
暫譯: 智能行動惡意程式檢測
Thomas, Tony, Surendran, Roopak, John, Teenu
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2024-10-08
- 售價: $2,340
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,223
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 174
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1032421096
- ISBN-13: 9781032421094
The popularity of Android mobile phones has attracted cybercriminals to create malware applications that carry out various malicious activities. This book will be highly useful for Android malware researchers, developers, students and cyber security professionals to explore and build defense mechanisms against Android malware.
Android 手機的普及吸引了網路犯罪分子創建惡意軟體應用程式,執行各種惡意活動。本書將對 Android 惡意軟體研究人員、開發者、學生以及網路安全專業人士非常有用,幫助他們探索並建立對抗 Android 惡意軟體的防禦機制。
Dr. Tony Thomas is currently associate professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology, India (formerly IIITM-K). He completed his master's and PhD degrees from IIT Kanpur. After completing his PhD, he carried out his post-doctoral research at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. After that, he joined as a researcher at the General Motors Research Lab, Bangalore, India. He later moved to the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as a research fellow. In 2011, he joined as an assistant professor at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management-Kerala (IIITM-K). He is an associate editor and reviewer of several journals. He is a member of the Board of Studies of several universities. His current research interests include: malware analysis, biometrics, cryptography, quantum computation and machine learning applications in cyber security. He has published many research papers, book chapters and books in these domains. He is an author of the book Machine Learning Approaches in Cyber Security Analytics published by Springer.
Dr. Roopak Surendran is currently working as a penetration tester at the Kerala Security Audit and Assurance Centre (K-SAAC) of the Kerala University of Digital Sciences Innovation and Technology. He has done his PhD research in Android malware analysis, which was funded by the Kerala state planning board. Before joining the PhD program, he completed his MPhil degree in computer science with a specialization in cyber security from Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management-Kerala. He published many research papers related to malware analysis and phishing detection. Also, he has developed Python-based tools and sandboxes to protect devices from phishing and malware attacks. His interests include: web application security, mobile application security, malware analysis and phishing detection.
Ms. Teenu S. John holds an MTech degree in computer science with specialization in data security from TocH Institute of Science and Technology under Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India, and a BTech degree in information technology from the College of Engineering Perumon, under Cochin University of Science and Technology-Kerala, India. She is currently doing her PhD on adversarial malware detection at the Kerala University of Digital Sciences Innovation and Technology, formerly Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management-Kerala (IIITM-K). Her research interests include: malware analysis, machine learning for cyber security, data analytics and cyber threat detection.
Dr. Mamoun Alazab is associate professor at the College of Engineering, IT and Environment, and is the director of the NT Academic Centre for Cyber Security and Innovation (ACCI) at Charles Darwin University, Australia. He received his PhD in computer science from the Federation University of Australia, School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering. He is a cyber security researcher and practitioner with industry and academic experience. Dr. Alazab's research is multidisciplinary focusing on cyber security including current and emerging issues in the cyber environment like cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things, with a focus on cybercrime detection and prevention. He has more than 300 research papers, 11 authored and edited books, as well as 3 patents. As of March 2022, 9256 citations appear on Google. His research over the years has contributed to the development of several successful secure commercial systems. His book, Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, reached 40k downloads in about 1 year and was referred to by Microsoft research and Google research. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards including the NT Young Tall Poppy of the Year (2021) from the Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship through the Australian Academy of Science. He worked previously as a senior lecturer (Australian National University) and lecturer (Macquarie University). He is a senior member of the IEEE, and the founding chair of the IEEE Northern Territory (NT) Subsection. He serves as the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice, and Complex & Intelligent Systems.
Dr. Tony Thomas 目前是印度喀拉拉數位科學、創新與技術大學(前身為 IIITM-K)計算機科學與工程學院的副教授。他在印度理工學院坎普爾校區完成了碩士和博士學位。完成博士學位後,他在韓國科學技術院進行了博士後研究。之後,他加入了印度班加羅爾的通用汽車研究實驗室擔任研究員。後來,他轉到新加坡南洋理工大學的計算機工程學院擔任研究員。2011年,他加入印度喀拉拉資訊技術與管理學院(IIITM-K)擔任助理教授。他是多本期刊的副編輯和審稿人,也是多所大學的學術委員會成員。他目前的研究興趣包括:惡意軟體分析、生物識別、密碼學、量子計算以及機器學習在網路安全中的應用。他在這些領域發表了許多研究論文、書籍章節和書籍。他是由 Springer 出版的書籍《Machine Learning Approaches in Cyber Security Analytics》的作者。
Dr. Roopak Surendran 目前在喀拉拉數位科學、創新與技術大學的喀拉拉安全審計與保證中心(K-SAAC)擔任滲透測試員。他的博士研究專注於 Android 惡意軟體分析,該研究由喀拉拉州規劃委員會資助。在加入博士課程之前,他在印度喀拉拉資訊技術與管理學院完成了計算機科學的碩士學位,專攻網路安全。他發表了許多與惡意軟體分析和釣魚檢測相關的研究論文。此外,他還開發了基於 Python 的工具和沙盒,以保護設備免受釣魚和惡意軟體攻擊。他的興趣包括:網路應用安全、行動應用安全、惡意軟體分析和釣魚檢測。
Ms. Teenu S. John 擁有印度喀拉拉科欽科技大學 TocH 科學與技術學院的計算機科學碩士學位,專攻數據安全,以及科欽科技大學 Perumon 工程學院的信息技術學士學位。她目前在喀拉拉數位科學、創新與技術大學(前印度資訊技術與管理學院 IIITM-K)攻讀博士學位,研究對抗性惡意軟體檢測。她的研究興趣包括:惡意軟體分析、網路安全的機器學習、數據分析和網路威脅檢測。
Dr. Mamoun Alazab 是澳大利亞查爾斯達爾文大學工程、資訊技術與環境學院的副教授,並擔任 NT 網路安全與創新學術中心(ACCI)主任。他在澳大利亞聯邦大學的科學、資訊技術與工程學院獲得計算機科學博士學位。他是一位網路安全研究員和實踐者,擁有業界和學術經驗。Dr. Alazab 的研究是多學科的,專注於網路安全,包括網路環境中的當前和新興問題,如網路物理系統和物聯網,並重點關注網路犯罪的檢測和預防。他發表了超過 300 篇研究論文,編著和編輯了 11 本書籍,並擁有 3 項專利。截至 2022 年 3 月,他的研究被 Google 引用 9256 次。他多年的研究為幾個成功的安全商業系統的開發做出了貢獻。他的書籍《Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning》在約一年內達到 4 萬次下載,並被微軟研究和谷歌研究引用。他獲得了多個著名獎項,包括 2021 年澳大利亞政策與科學研究所(AIPS)頒發的 NT 年度青年傑出人才獎,以及通過澳大利亞科學院獲得的日本科學促進會(JSPS)獎學金。他曾擔任澳大利亞國立大學的高級講師和麥考瑞大學的講師。他是 IEEE 的高級會員,也是 IEEE 北領地(NT)分會的創始主席。他擔任《IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM)》、《ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice》和《Complex & Intelligent Systems》的副編輯。