What AI Can Do: Strengths and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence
Cebral-Loureda, Manuel, Rincón-Flores, Elvira G., Sanchez-Ante, Gildardo
The philosopher Spinoza once asserted that no one knows what a body can do, conceiving an intrinsic bodily power with unknown limits. Similarly, we can ask ourselves about Artificial Intelligence (AI): To what extent is the development of intelligence limited by its technical and material substrate? In other words, what can AI do? The answer is analogous to Spinoza's: Nobody knows the limit of AI.
Critically considering this issue from philosophical, interdisciplinary, and engineering perspectives, respectively, this book assesses the scope and pertinence of AI technology and explores how it could bring about both a better and more unpredictable future.
What AI Can Do highlights, at both the theoretical and practical levels, the cross-cutting relevance that AI is having on society, appealing to students of engineering, computer science, and philosophy, as well as all who hold a practical interest in the technology.
Manuel Cebral-Loureda是墨西哥蒙特雷科技大學人文教育學院的全職教授和研究員。他擁有哲學博士學位(聖地亞哥德康波斯特拉大學),論文題為《從吉爾·德勒茲的哲學看探勘數據和大數據工具的批判性評論》,並擁有統計學習和數據探勘(UNED)以及藝術、哲學和創造力(巴倫西亞大學)的碩士學位。他目前的研究興趣集中在數位人文學(將計算工具和方法應用於人文學研究)、對技術的批判性反思以及後人類主義。他最近的一些文章包括《推特上COVID-19大流行的開端:西班牙語公眾對話的計算分析》(2021年)或《現代哲學中的意志和欲望:一種計算方法》(2020年)。自2021年起,他是墨西哥國家研究員系統(SNI)的成員。