Handbook of Silicon Carbide Materials and Devices
暫譯: 碳化矽材料與元件手冊
Feng, Zhe Chuan
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2024-12-19
- 售價: $2,400
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,280
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 444
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1032383577
- ISBN-13: 9781032383576
This handbook presents the key properties of silicon carbide (SiC), the power semiconductor for the 21st century. It describes related technologies, reports the rapid developments and achievements in recent years, and discusses the remaining challenging issues in the field.
The book consists of 15 chapters, beginning with a chapter by Professor W. J. Choyke, the leading authority in the field, and is divided into four sections. The topics include presolar SiC history, vapor-liquid-solid growth, spectroscopic investigations of 3C-SiC/Si, developments and challenges in the 21st century; CVD principles and techniques, homoepitaxy of 4H-SiC, cubic SiC grown on 4H-SiC, SiC thermal oxidation processes and MOS interface, Raman scattering, NIR luminescent studies, Mueller matrix ellipsometry, Raman microscopy and imaging, 4H-SiC UV photodiodes, radiation detectors, and short wavelength and synchrotron X-ray diffraction.
This comprehensive work provides a strong contribution to the engineering, materials, and basic science knowledge of the 21st century, and will be of interest to material growers, designers, engineers, scientists, postgraduate students, and entrepreneurs.
本書共分為15章,首章由該領域的權威專家W. J. Choyke教授撰寫,並分為四個部分。主題包括前太陽系碳化矽歷史、氣-液-固生長、3C-SiC/Si的光譜研究、21世紀的發展與挑戰;化學氣相沉積(CVD)原理與技術、4H-SiC的同質外延、在4H-SiC上生長的立方碳化矽、碳化矽熱氧化過程與金氧半介面、拉曼散射、近紅外(NIR)發光研究、穆勒矩陣橢圓偏振測量、拉曼顯微鏡與成像、4H-SiC紫外光光電二極體、輻射探測器,以及短波長和同步輻射X射線衍射。
Professor Zhe Chuan Feng earned his PhD in condensed matter physics from University of Pittsburgh in 1987, and, earlier, BS (1962-68) and MS (1978-81) from the Department of Physics at Peking University. He has worked at Emory University (1988-92), National University of Singapore (1992-94), Georgia Tech (1994-95), EMCORE Corporation (1995-97), Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore (1998-2001), Axcel Photonics (2001-02), Georgia Tech (2002-03), National Taiwan University (NTU) (2003-20151) as a professor at the Graduate Institute of Photonics & Optoelectronics and the Department of Electrical Engineering; and Guangxi University (GXU) (2015-2020) as a distinguished professor at the School of Physical Science and Technology. After retiring from NTU and GXU and moving back to Georgia, USA, he established the Science Exploring Lab and in January 2022 joined Kennesaw State University as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology.
He has long been devoted to materials research and growth of III-V and II-VI compounds, LED, III-nitrides, SiC, ZnO, GaO and other semiconductors and oxides. Professor Feng has edited twelve review books on compound semiconductors and microstructures, porous Si, SiC and III-nitrides, ZnO devices, and nanoengineering, especially in the 21st century on WBGs: SiC Power Materials: Devices and Applications, Springer (2004); III-Nitride Semiconductor Materials, Imperia College Press (2006); III-Nitride Devices and Nanoengineering, Imperia College Press (2008); Handbook of Zinc Oxides and Related Materials: Volume 1) Materials, and Volume 2) Devices and Nano-Engineering, T&F/CRC (2012); Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDs, T&F/CRC (2017); and III-Nitride Materials, Devices and Nanostructures, World Scientific Publishing (2017).
He has authored and co-authored more than 570 scientific papers with more than 420 indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI) and cited more than 6600 times, with h-index: 40 and i10-index: 152. Among these, he has published more than 50 journal papers and more than 70 conference papers on SiC as well as three review books on SiC. He has been a symposium organizer and invited speaker at numerous international conferences and universities. He has served as a guest editor for special journal issues and has been a visiting or guest professor at Sichuan University, Nanjing Tech University, South China Normal University, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Nankai University, and Tianjin Normal University. Professor Feng has been a fellow of SPIE since 2013. More details on his academic contributions can be found at https: //scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vdyXZpEAAAAJ and https: //www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/profile1.php?teacher_id=941011&p=5.
馮哲川教授於1987年在匹茲堡大學獲得凝聚態物理學博士學位,並於1962至1968年及1978至1981年在北京大學物理系獲得學士及碩士學位。他曾在埃默里大學(1988-1992)、新加坡國立大學(1992-1994)、喬治亞理工學院(1994-1995)、EMCORE公司(1995-1997)、新加坡材料研究與工程研究所(1998-2001)、Axcel Photonics(2001-2002)、喬治亞理工學院(2002-2003)、國立台灣大學(NTU)(2003-2015)擔任光電研究所及電機工程系的教授;以及廣西大學(GXU)(2015-2020)擔任物理科學與技術學院的特聘教授。退休後,他從NTU和GXU回到美國喬治亞州,成立了科學探索實驗室,並於2022年1月加入肯尼索州立大學,擔任電機與計算機工程系的兼任教授,隸屬於南方理工學院。
他長期致力於材料研究及III-V和II-VI化合物、LED、III-氮化物、SiC、ZnO、GaO等半導體及氧化物的生長。馮教授編輯了十二本有關化合物半導體和微結構、多孔Si、SiC和III-氮化物、ZnO器件及納米工程的綜述書籍,特別是在21世紀有關寬禁帶半導體(WBGs)的著作,包括:SiC Power Materials: Devices and Applications,Springer(2004);III-Nitride Semiconductor Materials,Imperial College Press(2006);III-Nitride Devices and Nanoengineering,Imperial College Press(2008);Handbook of Zinc Oxides and Related Materials: Volume 1) Materials, and Volume 2) Devices and Nano-Engineering,T&F/CRC(2012);Handbook of Solid-State Lighting and LEDs,T&F/CRC(2017);以及III-Nitride Materials, Devices and Nanostructures,World Scientific Publishing(2017)。
他已發表及共同發表超過570篇科學論文,其中超過420篇被科學引文索引(SCI)收錄,引用次數超過6600次,h指數為40,i10指數為152。在這些論文中,他發表了超過50篇有關SiC的期刊論文及超過70篇會議論文,並出版了三本有關SiC的綜述書籍。他曾擔任多個國際會議及大學的研討會組織者及受邀演講者,並擔任特刊的客座編輯,曾在四川大學、南京科技大學、華南師範大學、華中科技大學、南開大學及天津師範大學擔任訪問或客座教授。馮教授自2013年以來為SPIE的會士。更多有關他學術貢獻的詳細資訊可參見 https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vdyXZpEAAAAJ 及 https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/profile1.php?teacher_id=941011&p=5。