Biology of Plant Volatiles
暫譯: 植物揮發物的生物學
Pichersky, Eran, Dudareva, Natalia
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2022-06-13
- 售價: $2,480
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,356
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 428
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1032336145
- ISBN-13: 9781032336145
化學 Chemistry、大數據 Big-data、生物資訊 Bioinformatics
Plant volatiles--compounds emitted from plant organs to interact with the surrounding environment--play essential roles in attracting pollinators and defending against herbivores and pathogenes, plant-plant signaling, and abiotic stress responses. Biology of Plant Volatiles, with contributions from leading international groups of distinguished scientists in the field, explores the major aspects of plant scent biology.
Responding to new developments in the detection of the complex compound structures of volatiles, this book details the composition and biosynthesis of plant volatiles and their mode of emission. It explains the function and significance of volatiles for plants as well as insects and microbes whose interactions with plants are affected by these compounds. The content also explores the biotechnological and commercial potential for the manipulation of plant volatiles.
- Combines widely scattered literature in a single volume for the first time, covering all important aspects of plant volatiles, from their chemical structures to their biosynthesis to their roles in the interactions of plants with their biotic and abiotic environment
- Takes an interdisciplinary approach, providing multilevel analysis from chemistry and genes to enzymology, cell biology, organismal biology and ecology
- Includes up-to-date methodologies in plant scent biology research, from molecular biology and enzymology to functional genomics
This book will be a touchstone for future research on the many applications of plant volatiles and is aimed at plant biologists, entomologists, evolutionary biologists and researchers in the horticulture and perfume industries.
- 首次將分散的文獻整合於單一卷中,涵蓋植物揮發物的所有重要方面,從其化學結構到生物合成,再到其在植物與生物及非生物環境互動中的角色。
- 採取跨學科的方法,提供從化學和基因到酶學、細胞生物學、有機體生物學和生態學的多層次分析。
- 包含植物氣味生物學研究中的最新方法學,從分子生物學和酶學到功能基因組學。
Eran Pichersky is the Michael M. Martin Collegiate Professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) at the University of Michigan. He received his B.Sc. degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1980, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis in 1984. After doing research as a post-doctoral fellow at the Rockefeller University in New York, he has been on the faculty of the University of Michigan since 1986, serving as the first Chair of the newly created MCDB Department from 2001-2003. His awards include a Fulbright fellowship and an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, both received in 2000, and a Guggenheim fellowship in 2015. He was elected a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2012 and by the American Society of Plant Biologists in 2017. Dr. Pichersky has served on the editorial boards of several major scientific journals that cover plant research, and had previously edited (together with Dr. Natalia Dudareva) a book on the Biology of Floral Scent published by CRC Press.
Dr. Pichersky's research has concentrated on identifying the myriad compounds that are found uniquely in plants, many of which are extensively used by people, with emphasis on those that impart scent and flavor. His group further elucidates how plants synthesize these compounds, and how this information can be used to enhance the production by plants of such valuable chemicals. Over the years Dr. Pichersky's research group has collaborated with many other research groups around the world, and Dr. Pichersky himself has spent extensive time as a visiting scholar doing research at scientific institutes around the world, including the United States, Germany, Israel and Australia. Dr. Pichersky has authored more than 250 reports, reviews, letters and editorials in scientific publications, and is a recipient of several patents.
Natalia Dudareva is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Purdue University. She received her M.S. in biology and biochemistry from Novosibirsk State University, Russia and her PhD at the Institute of Biochemistry, Kiev, Ukraine and the University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France. After a postdoctoral training at the University of Michigan, Dr. Dudareva joined the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University in 1997 and received a distinguished professorship in 2010. She joined the Department of Biochemistry in 2013. Research in the Dudareva laboratory focuses on understanding of biochemical and molecular mechanisms controlling the formation of primary and secondary (phenylpropanoid and terpenoid) metabolites in plants using the power of genetic and biochemical approaches combined with metabolic flux analysis and modeling. With initial focus on plant volatiles, her group not only identified many genes involved in the final steps of their biosynthesis but also discovered the primary metabolic networks that supply precursors for volatile formation. Her group also showed that active biological mechanisms are involved in transporting volatile compounds from plant cells to the atmosphere.
Dudareva has published 120 papers, 25 book chapters and 2 books, and has given more than 200 invited lectures at conferences and other universities. She has received recognition for her research as Purdue University Faculty Scholar and the Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research. She has been awarded the Purdue University Agricultural Research Award, Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award, the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (Germany) and 2018 Herbert Newby McCoy Award, Purdue's most prestigious award given for outstanding work in the natural sciences. In 2010 she was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Eran Pichersky是密西根大學分子、細胞與發展生物學系(MCDB)的Michael M. Martin榮譽教授。他於1980年在加州大學柏克萊分校獲得學士學位,並於1984年在加州大學戴維斯分校獲得博士學位。在紐約洛克菲勒大學擔任博士後研究員後,他自1986年起在密西根大學任教,並於2001年至2003年擔任新成立的MCDB系的首任系主任。他的獎項包括2000年獲得的富布賴特獎學金和亞歷山大·馮·洪堡獎學金,以及2015年的古根海姆獎學金。他於2012年被美國科學促進會(AAAS)選為會士,並於2017年被美國植物生物學會選為會士。Pichersky博士曾在多本涵蓋植物研究的主要科學期刊的編輯委員會任職,並曾與Natalia Dudareva博士共同編輯由CRC Press出版的《花香生物學》一書。
Natalia Dudareva是普渡大學生物化學系的傑出教授。她在俄羅斯新西伯利亞國立大學獲得生物學和生物化學碩士學位,並在烏克蘭基輔的生物化學研究所和法國斯特拉斯堡的路易·巴斯德大學獲得博士學位。在密西根大學完成博士後訓練後,Dudareva博士於1997年加入普渡大學的園藝與景觀建築系,並於2010年獲得傑出教授職稱。她於2013年加入生物化學系。Dudareva實驗室的研究專注於利用基因和生化方法結合代謝流分析和建模,理解控制植物中初級和次級(苯丙素和萜類)代謝物形成的生化和分子機制。最初專注於植物揮發物,她的團隊不僅識別了許多參與其生物合成最終步驟的基因,還發現了供應揮發物形成前體的主要代謝網絡。她的團隊還顯示,活躍的生物機制參與了揮發性化合物從植物細胞運輸到大氣中的過程。
Dudareva已發表120篇論文、25章書籍章節和2本書,並在會議和其他大學發表了超過200場受邀演講。她因其研究而獲得普渡大學教職員學者和農業研究卓越威克沙姆椅的認可。她獲得了普渡大學農業研究獎、Sigma Xi教職員研究獎、亞歷山大·馮·洪堡研究獎(德國)以及2018年赫伯特·紐比·麥考伊獎,這是普渡大學頒發的最具聲望的獎項,表彰在自然科學領域的卓越工作。2010年,她被選為美國科學促進會的會士。