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Interaction Design for 3D User Interfaces: The World of Modern Input Devices for Research, Applications, and Game Development
暫譯: 3D 使用者介面的互動設計:現代輸入裝置在研究、應用與遊戲開發中的世界

Ortega, Francisco R., Abyarjoo, Fatemeh, Barreto, Armando


In this new era of computing, where the iPhone, iPad, Xbox Kinect, and similar devices have changed the way to interact with computers, many questions have risen about how modern input devices can be used for a more intuitive user interaction. Interaction Design for 3D User Interfaces: The World of Modern Input Devices for Research, Applications, and Game Development addresses this paradigm shift by looking at user interfaces from an input perspective.

The book is divided into four parts:

  • Theory of input devices and user interfaces, with an emphasis on multi-touch interaction
  • Advanced topics on reducing noise on input devices using Kalman Filters
  • A collection of hands-on approaches that allows the reader to gain experience with some devices
  • A case study examining speech as input

Most of the chapters contain exercises that provide practical experience to enhance knowledge of the material in the related chapter. With its hands-on approach and the affordability of the required hardware, this book is an excellent flexible resource for both the novice and the expert in 3D user input device development. Researchers and practitioners will gain a much deeper understanding about user input devices and user interfaces. Game developers and software designers will find new techniques to improve their products by adding intuitive user interaction mechanisms to their games and applications. In addition to the resources provided in the book, its companion website, http: //3DInputBook.com, provides additional resources, which include: additional exercises and project ideas, additional chapters, source code, and class instructors' resources. The additional resources are provided to keep helping you with new research and new technology as it becomes available to help you stay up to date.


在這個新的計算時代,iPhone、iPad、Xbox Kinect 和類似設備改變了與電腦互動的方式,許多問題隨之而來,關於現代輸入設備如何用於更直觀的用戶互動。《3D用戶介面的互動設計:現代輸入設備的研究、應用與遊戲開發世界》通過從輸入的角度來看用戶介面,探討了這一範式轉變。


1. 輸入設備和用戶介面的理論,重點在於多點觸控互動
2. 使用卡爾曼濾波器減少輸入設備噪聲的進階主題
3. 一系列實作方法,讓讀者能夠獲得一些設備的實際經驗
4. 一個案例研究,探討語音作為輸入

大多數章節包含練習,提供實踐經驗以增強對相關章節材料的理解。憑藉其實作方法和所需硬體的可負擔性,本書是3D用戶輸入設備開發領域中初學者和專家的優秀靈活資源。研究人員和實踐者將對用戶輸入設備和用戶介面有更深入的理解。遊戲開發者和軟體設計師將找到新的技術,通過為他們的遊戲和應用程式添加直觀的用戶互動機制來改善他們的產品。除了書中提供的資源外,其伴隨網站 http://3DInputBook.com 還提供額外資源,包括:額外的練習和專案想法、額外章節、源代碼和課程講師資源。這些額外資源旨在持續幫助您隨著新研究和新技術的出現而保持最新。


Francisco R. Ortega, PhD, is a postdoctorate research fellow at Florida International University, Miami, where he received his PhD in computer science. He is the current director of the Open Human-Interface Device Laboratory at Florida International University (http: //openhid.com). He was a member of the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory at FIU, and has over 17 years of experience in software development and systems integration. His interests are in 3D user interfaces, input devices, human-computer interaction, 3D navigation, and input modeling, among other interests. He has multiple publications in journals, lecture notes, and conference proceedings.

Fatemeh Abyarjoo, PhD, received her PhD in Electrical engineering from Florida International University, Miami, where she was also a research assistant in the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, focusing on sensor fusion for human motion tracking. She is currently a Fraud Risk Data Scientist, focusing on financial data analyzing. Her research interests are data mining, data analysis, statistical modeling, sensor fusion and wearable devices. She is a former Open Science Data Cloud PIRE National Science Foundation Fellow.

Armando Barreto, PhD, is a faculty member of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Florida International University, Miami, as well as the director of FIU's Digital Signal Processing Laboratory. He earned his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville. His work has focused on applying DSP techniques to the facilitation of human-computer interactions, particularly for the benefit of individuals with disabilities. He has developed human-computer interfaces based on the processing of signals and has developed a system that adds spatialized sounds to the icons in a computer interface to facilitate access by individuals with "low vision." He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Association for Computing Machinery.

Naphtali Rishe, PhD, is Eminent Chair Professor of Computer Science at Florida International University, Miami. He has authored three books on database design and geography and has edited five books on database management and high performance computing. He holds four US patents on database querying, semantic database performance, Internet data extraction, and computer medicine. He has also authored 300 papers in journals and proceedings on databases, software engineering, Geographic Information Systems, Internet, and life sciences. His TerraFly project--a 50-terabyte database of aerial imagery and Web-based GIS--has been extensively covered by worldwide press.

Malek Adjouadi, PhD, is a professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Florida International University, Miami. He received his PhD from the Electrical Engineering Department at The University of Florida, Gainesville. He is the founding director of the Center for Advanced Technology and Education funded by the National Science Foundation. His earlier work on computer vision to help persons with blindness led to his testimony to the US Senate on the committee of Veterans Affairs on the subject of technology to help persons with disabilities. His research interests are in image and signal processing with applications in neuroscience and assistive technology research.


Francisco R. Ortega,博士,是邁阿密佛羅里達國際大學的博士後研究員,他在該校獲得了計算機科學博士學位。他目前是佛羅里達國際大學開放人機介面設備實驗室的主任(http://openhid.com)。他曾是FIU數位信號處理實驗室的成員,擁有超過17年的軟體開發和系統整合經驗。他的研究興趣包括3D用戶介面、輸入設備、人機互動、3D導航和輸入建模等。他在期刊、講義和會議論文中發表了多篇文章。

Fatemeh Abyarjoo,博士,從邁阿密佛羅里達國際大學獲得電機工程博士學位,並曾在數位信號處理實驗室擔任研究助理,專注於人類運動追蹤的感測器融合。她目前是一名詐騙風險數據科學家,專注於金融數據分析。她的研究興趣包括數據挖掘、數據分析、統計建模、感測器融合和可穿戴設備。她曾是美國國家科學基金會的開放科學數據雲PIRE研究員。

Armando Barreto,博士,是邁阿密佛羅里達國際大學電機與計算機工程系的教職員,並擔任FIU數位信號處理實驗室的主任。他在佛羅里達大學獲得電機工程博士學位。他的工作專注於將數位信號處理技術應用於促進人機互動,特別是為殘障人士提供便利。他開發了基於信號處理的人機介面,並開發了一個系統,為計算機介面中的圖示添加空間化聲音,以便於“低視力”人士的訪問。他是電氣與電子工程師學會和計算機協會的資深會員。

Naphtali Rishe,博士,是邁阿密佛羅里達國際大學計算機科學的傑出講座教授。他著有三本關於數據庫設計和地理的書籍,並編輯了五本關於數據庫管理和高效能計算的書籍。他擁有四項美國專利,涉及數據庫查詢、語義數據庫性能、互聯網數據提取和計算機醫學。他還在期刊和會議論文中發表了300篇有關數據庫、軟體工程、地理資訊系統、互聯網和生命科學的論文。他的TerraFly項目——一個50TB的航空影像和基於網路的GIS數據庫——已被全球媒體廣泛報導。

Malek Adjouadi,博士,是邁阿密佛羅里達國際大學電機與計算機工程系的教授。他在佛羅里達大學的電機工程系獲得博士學位。他是由美國國家科學基金會資助的先進技術與教育中心的創始主任。他早期在計算機視覺方面的研究旨在幫助盲人,並因此在美國參議院退伍軍人事務委員會作證,討論幫助殘障人士的技術。他的研究興趣包括影像和信號處理,並應用於神經科學和輔助技術研究。