Introduction to Computational Engineering with Matlab(r)
暫譯: 使用 Matlab(r) 的計算工程導論

Bower, Timothy

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2022-09-28
  • 售價: $2,920
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,774
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 414
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1032221410
  • ISBN-13: 9781032221410
  • 相關分類: Matlab
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Introduction to Computational Engineering with MATLAB(R) aims to teach readers how to use MATLAB programming to solve numerical engineering problems. The book focuses on computational engineering with the objective of helping engineering students improve their numerical problem-solving skills. The book cuts a middle path between undergraduate texts that simply focus on programming and advanced mathematical texts that skip over foundational concepts, feature cryptic mathematical expressions, and do not provide sufficient support for novices.

Although this book covers some advanced topics, readers do not need prior computer programming experience or an advanced mathematical background. Instead, the focus is on learning how to leverage the computer and software environment to do the hard work. The problem areas discussed are related to data-driven engineering, statistics, linear algebra, and numerical methods. Some example problems discussed touch on robotics, control systems, and machine learning.


  • Demonstrates through algorithms and code segments how numeric problems are solved with only a few lines of MATLAB code
  • Quickly teaches students the basics and gets them started programming interesting problems as soon as possible
  • No prior computer programming experience or advanced math skills required
  • Suitable for students at undergraduate level who have prior knowledge of college algebra, trigonometry, and are enrolled in Calculus I
  • MATLAB script files, functions, and datasets used in examples are available for download from http: //


使用 MATLAB 的計算工程導論(R)》旨在教導讀者如何使用 MATLAB 程式設計來解決數值工程問題。本書專注於計算工程,目的是幫助工程學生提高他們的數值問題解決能力。本書在本科教科書僅專注於程式設計與跳過基礎概念、包含難以理解的數學表達式且未能為初學者提供足夠支持的高級數學教科書之間找到了一個平衡點。



  • 通過演算法和程式碼片段展示如何僅用幾行 MATLAB 程式碼解決數值問題

  • 迅速教會學生基礎知識,並讓他們儘快開始編寫有趣的問題

  • 不需要先前的電腦程式設計經驗或高級數學技能

  • 適合具備大學代數、三角學基礎知識並已修習微積分 I 的本科生

  • 範例中使用的 MATLAB 腳本檔案、函數和數據集可從 下載。


Tim Bower is an Associate Professor of Robotics and Automation Engineering Technology and Computer Systems Technology at Kansas State University Salina. He received the B.S. Electrical Engineering degree from Kansas State University (K-State) in 1987 and the M.S. Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Kansas in 1990. He was a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sprint's Local Telephone Division from 1989 to 1998. From 1998 to 2003, he was a systems administration manager and instructor at Kansas State University in Manhattan Kansas while taking graduate course work in Computer Science. He joined the faculty of K-State's campus in Salina Kansas in 2004. He teaches undergraduate courses related to programming in C, Python, and MATLAB, robotics programming, machine vision, numerical computation, operating systems, data structures and algorithms, and systems administration.

Away from teaching, he enjoys spending time with his wife, three grown children, and five grandchildren.


Tim Bower 是堪薩斯州立大學薩利納分校的機器人與自動化工程技術及計算機系統技術的副教授。他於1987年獲得堪薩斯州立大學(K-State)的電機工程學士學位,並於1990年獲得堪薩斯大學的電機工程碩士學位。他曾於1989年至1998年擔任Sprint本地電話部門的高級技術員。從1998年到2003年,他在堪薩斯州立大學曼哈頓校區擔任系統管理經理和講師,同時修讀計算機科學的研究生課程。他於2004年加入K-State薩利納校區的教職。 他教授與C、Python和MATLAB編程相關的本科課程、機器人編程、機器視覺、數值計算、操作系統、數據結構與算法以及系統管理。
