Cyber Security Using Modern Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Quantum Cryptography
暫譯: 現代技術下的網路安全:人工智慧、區塊鏈與量子密碼學
Pal, Om, Kumar, Vinod, Khan, Rijwan
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2023-08-02
- 售價: $4,910
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,665
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 272
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 1032213191
- ISBN-13: 9781032213194
人工智慧、區塊鏈 Blockchain、資訊安全、量子計算
The main objective of this book is to introduce cyber security using modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Cryptography, and Blockchain. This book provides in-depth coverage of important concepts related to cyber security. Beginning with an introduction to Quantum Computing, Post-Quantum Digital Signatures, and Artificial Intelligence for cyber security of modern networks and covering various cyber-attacks and the defense measures, strategies, and techniques that need to be followed to combat them, this book goes on to explore several crucial topics, such as security of advanced metering infrastructure in smart grids, key management protocols, network forensics, intrusion detection using machine learning, cloud computing security risk assessment models and frameworks, cyber-physical energy systems security, a biometric random key generator using deep neural network and encrypted network traffic classification. In addition, this book provides new techniques to handle modern threats with more intelligence. It also includes some modern techniques for cyber security, such as blockchain for modern security, quantum cryptography, and forensic tools. Also, it provides a comprehensive survey of cutting-edge research on the cyber security of modern networks, giving the reader a general overview of the field. It also provides interdisciplinary solutions to protect modern networks from any type of attack or manipulation. The new protocols discussed in this book thoroughly examine the constraints of networks, including computation, communication, and storage cost constraints, and verifies the protocols both theoretically and experimentally. Written in a clear and comprehensive manner, this book would prove extremely helpful to readers. This unique and comprehensive solution for the cyber security of modern networks will greatly benefit researchers, graduate students, and engineers in the fields of cryptography and network security.
Dr. Om Pal received B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, MBA in Operation Management from IGNOU, MS (Research) in field of Cryptography from IIT Bombay and Ph.D. in field of Cryptographic Key Management from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He has more than 19 years of Academic & Research experience in various areas of Computer Science. He is currently a Scientist-D at Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. He has evolved and worked on many research projects of national interest. Previously he worked at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) as a Sr. Technical Officer and as an IT Resource Person in National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). He has published many research articles in International Journals (Transaction/SCI/Scopus) and International Conferences of repute. He has been nominated in the board of reviewers of various peer-reviewed and refereed Journals. He has delivered many talks on cyber security, Quantum Security and Blockchain Technology. His research interest includes Cryptography, Quantum Cryptography, Cyber Security, Blockchain Technology, Theoretical Computer Science and Cyber Laws.
Dr. Vinod Kumar is presently working as Assistant Professor with the department of Electronics and Communication (Computer Science and Engineering), University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. Before joining University of Allahabad, he worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College (REC) Kannauj, UP, India. Prior to this, he worked as Assistant Professor in the School of Information Technology, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Noida UP India. He has received MCA from Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) Lucknow UP, India in 2005, M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) Delhi in 2011, and Ph.D. in field of Cryptographic from Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi. He has published various quality papers in the reputed International Journals like Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, etc. He has also presented various research papers in reputed International Conferences. He has written two books for undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer science and engineering. He has a rich academics & research experience in various areas of computer science. His research interest includes cryptographic protocols, Key management in multicasting/secure group communications, and authentication protocol and security in WSNs.
Dr. Rijwan Khan received his B.Tech Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from BIT, M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from IETE, and Computer Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He has 16 years of Academic & Research Experience in various areas of Computer Science. He is currently working as Professor and Head of Department Computer Science and Engineering at ABES Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad U.P. He is author of three subject books. He published more than 50 research papers in different journals and conferences. He has been nominated in the board of reviewers of various peer-reviewed and refereed Journals. He is the editor of three research books. He chaired three international conferences and was a keynote speaker in some national and international conferences.
Prof. Bashir Alam received his B.Tech.(Computer Engineering) from Aligarh Muslim University (A Central University of Government of India), Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, M.Tech.(IT) from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India and Ph.D., from Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University of Government of India), New Delhi, India. Currently he is a Professor & Head of the Department, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He has published several research articles/ papers in various reputed International Journals and Conference Proceedings published by reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer, IEEE etc. He has filed patents on Conditional Access System, Cryptographic systems. His research interests include Block chain Technology, Network Security, GPU Computing, Big Data, Parallel Computing, Soft Computing, Computer Network, Operating System, Distributed and Cloud Computing, Advanced Computer Architecture and Intellectual Property Rights. He is also reviewer for several reputed international journals and Conferences. He is a Life Time Member of ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education) and other technical societies.
Prof. Mansaf Alam has been working as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, Young Faculty Research Fellow, DeitY, Govt. of India & Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Information Science. He has published several research articles in reputed International Journals and Proceedings at reputed International conferences published by IEEE, Springer, Elsevier Science, and ACM. His area of research includes Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning & Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, and Data Mining. He is a reviewer of various journals of International repute, like Information Science, published by Elsevier Science. He is also a member of the program committee of various reputed International conferences. He is on the Editorial Board of some reputed Intentional Journals in Computer Sciences. He has published three books: Digital Logic Design by PHI, Concepts of Multimedia by Arihant, and Internet of Things: Concepts and Applications by Springer, Big Data Analytics: Applications in Business and Marketing, Big Data Analytics: Digital Marketing and Decision Making by Taylor and Francis. He recently got International Patent (Australian) on An Artificial Intelligence Based Smart Dustbin.
Om Pal 博士於阿格拉的 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 大學獲得計算機科學與工程的學士學位,於 IGNOU 獲得運營管理的 MBA,於孟買的 IIT 獲得密碼學的碩士(研究)學位,並於新德里的 Jamia Millia Islamia 獲得密碼管理的博士學位。他在計算機科學的各個領域擁有超過 19 年的學術與研究經驗。目前他是印度政府電子與信息技術部的 D 級科學家。他參與並推動了許多具有國家利益的研究項目。之前,他曾在高級計算發展中心(C-DAC)擔任高級技術官,並在國家熱電公司(NTPC)擔任 IT 資源人員。他在國際期刊(Transaction/SCI/Scopus)和知名國際會議上發表了多篇研究文章。他被提名為多個同行評審期刊的審稿委員會成員。他在網絡安全、量子安全和區塊鏈技術方面發表了多次演講。他的研究興趣包括密碼學、量子密碼學、網絡安全、區塊鏈技術、理論計算機科學和網絡法律。
Vinod Kumar 博士目前在印度烏塔爾邦普拉亞格拉的阿拉哈巴德大學電子與通信(計算機科學與工程)系擔任助理教授。在加入阿拉哈巴德大學之前,他曾在印度烏塔爾邦的 Rajkiya 工程學院(REC)計算機科學與工程系擔任助理教授。在此之前,他在高級計算發展中心(C-DAC)諾伊達的資訊技術學院擔任助理教授。他於 2005 年在印度烏塔爾邦技術大學(UPTU)盧克諾獲得 MCA,於 2011 年在德里的 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha 大學(GGSIPU)獲得計算機科學與工程的 M.Tech,並於新德里的 Jamia Millia Islamia(JMI)獲得密碼學的博士學位。他在知名國際期刊如 Elsevier、Springer、Wiley 等發表了多篇高質量論文,並在多個知名國際會議上發表了各種研究論文。他為計算機科學與工程的本科生和研究生撰寫了兩本書籍。他在計算機科學的各個領域擁有豐富的學術與研究經驗。他的研究興趣包括密碼協議、多播/安全群組通信中的密鑰管理,以及 WSN 中的身份驗證協議和安全性。
Rijwan Khan 博士於 BIT 獲得計算機科學與工程的 B.Tech 學位,於 IETE 獲得計算機科學與工程的 M.Tech,並於新德里的 Jamia Millia Islamia 獲得計算機工程的博士學位。他在計算機科學的各個領域擁有 16 年的學術與研究經驗。目前他在烏塔爾邦的 ABES 技術學院擔任計算機科學與工程系的教授及系主任。他是三本學科書籍的作者,並在不同的期刊和會議上發表了超過 50 篇研究論文。他被提名為多個同行評審期刊的審稿委員會成員,並擔任三本研究書籍的編輯。他主持了三個國際會議,並在一些國內外會議上擔任主題演講者。
Bashir Alam 教授於印度烏塔爾邦的阿里格爾穆斯林大學(印度政府的中央大學)獲得計算機工程的 B.Tech,於德里的 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha 大學獲得 IT 的 M.Tech,並於新德里的 Jamia Millia Islamia(印度政府的中央大學)獲得博士學位。目前他是 Jamia Millia Islamia 工程與技術學院計算機工程系的教授及系主任。他在多個知名國際期刊和由知名出版商如 Elsevier、Springer、IEEE 等出版的會議論文集中發表了多篇研究文章。他已就條件接入系統和密碼系統申請專利。他的研究興趣包括區塊鏈技術、網絡安全、GPU 計算、大數據、並行計算、軟計算、計算機網絡、操作系統、分佈式和雲計算、高級計算機架構及知識產權。他也是多個知名國際期刊和會議的審稿人。他是 ISTE(印度技術教育學會)及其他技術社團的終身會員。
Mansaf Alam 教授目前在新德里 Jamia Millia Islamia 自然科學學院的計算機科學系擔任教授,並擔任印度政府 DeitY 的青年教師研究員及《應用資訊科學期刊》的主編。他在知名國際期刊和由 IEEE、Springer、Elsevier Science 和 ACM 出版的知名國際會議上發表了多篇研究文章。他的研究領域包括人工智慧、大數據分析、機器學習與深度學習、雲計算和數據挖掘。他是多個國際知名期刊的審稿人,如由 Elsevier Science 出版的《資訊科學》。他也是多個知名國際會議的程序委員會成員。他在一些知名的計算機科學國際期刊的編輯委員會中任職。他出版了三本書籍:《數位邏輯設計》(PHI)、《多媒體概念》(Arihant)和《物聯網:概念與應用》(Springer)、《大數據分析:商業與行銷應用》、《大數據分析:數位行銷與決策》(Taylor and Francis)。他最近獲得了國際專利(澳大利亞)關於一種基於人工智慧的智能垃圾桶。