Cognitive Computing for Internet of Medical Things
暫譯: 醫療物聯網的認知計算

Prasanth, A., D, Lakshmi, Dhanaraj, Rajesh Kumar

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-09
  • 售價: $2,500
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,375
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 218
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1032187891
  • ISBN-13: 9781032187891
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book offers a complete assessment of the present scenario, role, challenges, technologies, and impact of IoMT-enabled smart healthcare systems. It contains chapters discussing various biomedical applications under the umbrella of the IoMT.




Dr. A Prasanth presently working as an Assistant Professor at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur, India. He received the B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai and the M.E degree in Computer Science and Engineering (with specialization in Networks) from Anna University, Chennai and also received the Ph.D degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India. Recently, he has received the Young Scientist Award from International Scientist Award 2020 for his excellent research performance. Next, he has received Researcher of the Year Award 2020 from "2nd International Business and Academic Excellence Awards (IBAE)", at Delhi, held on 26/12/2020. Moreover, he has received the Young Researcher Award from "Institute of Scholars Awards" 2020. He has published more than 25 research articles in reputed International Journals among which 7 articles are indexed in SCI and 15 articles are indexed in Scopus. He has published and granted two patents. Further, he has published more than 8 Books under reputed publishers. He has served as Resource person in 20 AICTE Sponsored STTP programs. Moreover, he has served as Editorial Board Member in various reputed SCI Journals. He has 8 years of teaching experience and his research interests include Internet of Things, Edge Computing, Cloud Computing and 5G network.

Dr. Lakshmi D, presently working as a Senior Associate Professor (Grade 2) in School of Computer Science and Engineering at VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh, India. Till February 2021, she was designated as an Educational Research Officer at Vishnu Educational Development and Innovation Centre (VEDIC) and Associate Professor at B V Raju Institute of Technology run by Shri Vishnu Educational Society, Hyderabad from 2016 to Feb 2021. She has been working in the educational sector since 1998. Her key focus is on exploring the dynamics of learning, dynamics of learner and classroom dynamics, suitable to accelerate the learning efficacy of higher education students. With her expertise she has delivered a session more than 150 on various titles. Her research areas include machine learning, deep learning and Internet of Things, educational technology, educational data mining, virtual education and educational psychology. She holds a PhD degree in Information and Communication Engineering by the Anna University Chennai, India. She has published 28 articles in various journals and conference proceedings and contributed chapters to the books. She has won two best paper awards one in IEEE and one in Springer conference. One book publication titled on "Theory of Computation", 7 Indian patents provisionally published and waiting for examinations and filed 1 copyrights waiting for grant. 1 Copyright has been granted, 2 Australian patent have been granted and one is filed and waiting for a grant.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing Science and Engineering at Galgotias University, Greater Noida, U.P, India. He holds a PhD degree in Information and Communication Engineering by the Anna University, India. He has presented papers at conferences, published articles and papers in various journals, and contributed a chapter to the books. His research and publication interests include Wireless Sensor Networks and Cloud Computing. He is an Expert Advisory Panel Member of Texas Instruments Inc USA.

Prof. Balamurugan Balusamy has served up to the position of Associate Professor in his stint of 14 years of experience with VIT University, Vellore. He had completed his Bachelors, Masters and PhD Degrees from Top premier institutions from India. His passion is teaching and adapts different design thinking principles while delivering his lectures. He has published 30+ books on various technologies and visited 15 plus countries for his technical course. He has several top-notch conferences in his resume and has published over 150 of quality journal, conference and book chapters combined. He serves in the advisory committee for several startups and forums and does consultancy work for industry on Industrial IOT. He has given over 175 talks in various events and symposium. He is currently working as a professor at Galgotias University and teaches students, does research on Blockchain and IOT.

Dr. Sherimon P C is presently working as a Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University, Oman. He has 22 Years of International Experience in Administration, Teaching and Research in University. He has completed numerous research projects and consultancy projects too. His Google Scholar citation is 316, h-index is 7 and i10 index is 6.


Dr. A Prasanth 目前擔任印度斯里維克特斯瓦拉工程學院(Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur)的助理教授。他在印度金奈的安娜大學(Anna University, Chennai)獲得電子與通信工程的學士學位(B.E.),並在同校獲得計算機科學與工程(專攻網路)的碩士學位(M.E.),以及信息與通信工程的博士學位(Ph.D.)。最近,他因卓越的研究表現獲得2020年國際科學家獎的青年科學家獎。接著,他在2020年12月26日於德里舉行的第二屆國際商業與學術卓越獎(IBAE)中獲得2020年年度研究人員獎。此外,他還獲得2020年學者獎(Institute of Scholars Awards)的青年研究者獎。他在知名國際期刊上發表了超過25篇研究文章,其中7篇被SCI索引,15篇被Scopus索引。他已發表並獲得兩項專利。此外,他在知名出版社出版了超過8本書籍。他曾在20個AICTE贊助的短期培訓計劃中擔任資源人員。此外,他還擔任多本知名SCI期刊的編輯委員會成員。他擁有8年的教學經驗,研究興趣包括物聯網(Internet of Things)、邊緣計算(Edge Computing)、雲計算(Cloud Computing)和5G網路。

Dr. Lakshmi D 目前擔任印度中央邦VIT博帕爾大學(VIT Bhopal University)計算機科學與工程學院的高級副教授(Grade 2)。截至2021年2月,她曾擔任維什努教育發展與創新中心(Vishnu Educational Development and Innovation Centre, VEDIC)的教育研究官,並於2016年至2021年2月在海得拉巴的B V Raju技術學院擔任副教授。自1998年以來,她一直在教育領域工作。她的主要重點是探索學習的動態、學習者的動態和課堂的動態,以加速高等教育學生的學習效率。憑藉她的專業知識,她在各種主題上進行了超過150場的講座。她的研究領域包括機器學習(machine learning)、深度學習(deep learning)和物聯網(Internet of Things)、教育技術(educational technology)、教育數據挖掘(educational data mining)、虛擬教育(virtual education)和教育心理學(educational psychology)。她在印度金奈的安娜大學獲得信息與通信工程的博士學位(PhD)。她在各種期刊和會議論文集中發表了28篇文章,並為書籍貢獻了章節。她曾獲得兩個最佳論文獎,一個在IEEE會議上,另一個在Springer會議上。她出版了一本名為《計算理論》(Theory of Computation)的書籍,並有7項印度專利暫時出版,等待審查,還申請了1項版權,等待授權。1項版權已獲授權,2項澳大利亞專利已獲授權,1項正在申請中,等待授權。

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj 是印度大諾伊達Galgotias大學計算科學與工程學院的副教授。他在印度安娜大學獲得信息與通信工程的博士學位(PhD)。他在會議上發表論文,並在各種期刊上發表文章和論文,還為書籍貢獻了章節。他的研究和出版興趣包括無線傳感器網路(Wireless Sensor Networks)和雲計算(Cloud Computing)。他是德州儀器公司(Texas Instruments Inc USA)的專家諮詢小組成員。

Prof. Balamurugan Balusamy 在VIT大學(VIT University, Vellore)擔任副教授,擁有14年的經驗。他在印度的頂尖機構完成了學士、碩士和博士學位。他熱愛教學,並在授課時採用不同的設計思維原則。他已出版30多本有關各種技術的書籍,並前往15個以上的國家進行技術課程。他的履歷中有多個頂尖會議,並已發表超過150篇高品質的期刊、會議和書籍章節。他在多個初創企業和論壇的諮詢委員會中任職,並為工業物聯網(Industrial IoT)提供諮詢服務。他在各種活動和研討會上發表了超過175場演講。目前,他在Galgotias大學擔任教授,教授學生,並進行區塊鏈(Blockchain)和物聯網(IoT)的研究。

Dr. Sherimon P C 目前在阿拉伯開放大學(Arab Open University, Oman)擔任計算機研究系的教員。他在大學的行政、教學和研究方面擁有22年的國際經驗。他完成了多個研究項目和諮詢項目。他的Google Scholar引用次數為316,h-index為7,i10 index為6。