Big Data Analytics: Applications in Business and Marketing
暫譯: 大數據分析:在商業與行銷中的應用

Chaudhary, Kiran, Alam, Mansaf



Big Data Analytics: Applications in Business and Marketing explores the concepts and applications related to marketing and business as well as future research directions. It also examines how this emerging field could be extended to performance management and decision-making. Investment in business and marketing analytics can create value through proper allocation of resources and resource orchestration process. The use of data analytics tools can be used to diagnose and improve performance.

The book is divided into five parts. The first part introduces data science, big data, and data analytics. The second part focuses on applications of business analytics including:

  • Big data analytics and algorithm
  • Market basket analysis
  • Anticipating consumer purchase behavior
  • Variation in shopping patterns
  • Big data analytics for market intelligence

The third part looks at business intelligence and features an evaluation study of churn prediction models for business Intelligence. Part IV examines analytics for marketing decision-making and the roles of big data analytics for market intelligence and of consumer behavior. The book concludes with digital marketing, marketing by consumer analytics, web analytics for digital marketing, and smart retailing.

This book covers the concepts, applications and research trends of marketing and business analytics with the aim of helping organizations increase profitability by improving decision-making through data analytics.



- 大數據分析和算法
- 購物籃分析
- 預測消費者購買行為
- 購物模式的變化
- 用於市場情報的大數據分析




Dr. Kiran Chaudhary is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Shivaji College, University of Delhi. She has Twelve years of Teaching Research experience. She earned Ph.D. in Marketing (Commerce) from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana. Her areas of research include Marketing, Human resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Business and Corporate law. She has published a book on Probability and Statistics. She has published several research articles in reputed International Journals and Proceedings of reputed International conferences published
Dr. Mansaf Alam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He has also been a Young Faculty Research Fellow, DeitY, for the government of India and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Applied Information Science. He has published several research articles in reputed International Journals and Proceedings of reputed International conferences published by IEEE, Springer, Elsevier Science, and ACM. His area of research include Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning & Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Cloud database management system(CDBMS), Object Oriented Database System(OODBMS), Information Retrieval and Data Mining.


Dr. Kiran Chaudhary 是德里大學 Shivaji 學院商學系的助理教授。她擁有十二年的教學與研究經驗。她在哈里亞納邦的庫魯克舍特拉大學獲得市場行銷(商學)博士學位。她的研究領域包括市場行銷、人力資源管理、組織行為、商業與公司法。她出版了一本有關機率與統計的書籍,並在多本知名國際期刊及國際會議論文集中發表了多篇研究文章。

Dr. Mansaf Alam 是新德里 Jamia Millia Islamia 自然科學學院計算機科學系的副教授。他曾擔任印度政府的年輕教學研究獎學金獲得者(Young Faculty Research Fellow, DeitY),並擔任《應用資訊科學期刊》(Journal of Applied Information Science)的主編。他在多本知名國際期刊及由 IEEE、Springer、Elsevier Science 和 ACM 出版的國際會議論文集中發表了多篇研究文章。他的研究領域包括大數據分析、機器學習與深度學習、雲計算、雲資料庫管理系統(Cloud Database Management System, CDBMS)、物件導向資料庫系統(Object Oriented Database System, OODBMS)、資訊檢索與資料探勘。