Futuristic Research Trends and Applications of Internet of Things
暫譯: 未來研究趨勢與物聯網應用
Rudra, Bhawana, Verma, Anshul, Verma, Shekhar
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an interconnection of several devices, networks, technologies, and human resources to achieve a common goal. A variety of IoT-based applications are being used in different sectors and have succeeded in providing huge benefits to the users. As a revolution, IoT overtook the entire global landscape with its presence in almost every sector, including smart cities, smart grid, intelligent transportation, healthcare, education, and so on. This technological revolution also moved to the machines, converting them into intelligent computers that can make real-time decisions and communicate with each other, forming an Internet of Systems/Machines. The use of secure light-weight protocols will help us in developing environment-friendly and energy-efficient IoT systems.
IoT is an emerging and recent area of research, adopted for many applications, and there is a need to investigate further challenges in all aspects of it. This book will provide information on fundamentals, architectures, communication protocols, use of AI, existing applications, and emerging research trends in IoT. It follows a theoretical approach to describe the fundamentals for beginners as well as a practical approach with the implementation of case studies for intermediate and advanced readers. The book will be beneficial for academicians, researchers, developers, and engineers who work in or are interested in fields related to IoT. This book serves as a reference for graduate and postgraduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and information technology streams.
Dr. Bhawana Rudra received Ph.D. degree in Information Technology from Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, India in 2015. She has published several research papers in peer-reviewed International Journals (SCI) and International Conferences (SCOPUS, DBLP). She has also published one book on Future Internet Security Issues. She has applied for PATENT in the field of Internet of Things and currently published a Text Book on Flexible Network Architectures Security Issues and Principles in 2018 and the publisher is Taylor and Francis, USA. She has received several awards such as Emerging Researcher Award, Bright Educator Award from the organizations like International Institute of Organized Research-Australia as well as from Green Thinkerz in 2017 and 2018. Currently, she is serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Karnataka. She has also served as a faculty in Computer Science and Engineering Department, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, India as an Associate Professor from 2016 to 2018, and as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology at Vasavi College of Engineering, India from 2014 to 2016. Her research interests include the Internet of Things, Network Security, Distributed Systems, Blockchain Technology, and Quantum computing.
Dr. Anshul Verma received M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science & Engineering from ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, India in 2011 and 2016, respectively. He has done Post-doctorate from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in 2017. Currently, he is serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, India. He has also served as faculty in Computer Science & Engineering at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad and National Institute of Technology (NIT) Jamshedpur, India, from 2015 to 2017. His research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Distributed Systems, and Formal Methods. He has participated as advisory board member, session chair, programme committee member in many conferences and he is serving as aditorial board member in many journals. He is serving as the Editor of the Journal of Scientific Research, BHU, Varanasi, India.
Prof. Shekhar Verma has received his BTech, MTech, and PhD from IIT BHU, Varanasi. He is currently working as a professor in Information Technology at Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad. He has published more than 100 research papers in reputed refereed International Journals and more than 80 papers in international conferences. He has supervised 20 PhD scholars and handled many R&D projects. He is a member of the "Machine Learning and Optimization Group" at IIIT Allahabad. His research interest includes Machine Learning, Wireless sensor networks, computer networks, Information and network security, vehicular networks, and cryptography.
Prof. Bhanu Shrestha did Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic Engineering from Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2004 and 2008 respectively. He is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering (Glocal Education Center) at Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea. His research areas include RFICMMiC, Design Fabrication, Wireless Networks, Internet of Things, etc. He is Founder Director and Vice-chairman of ICT-Advanced Engineering Society (2018-present); Chief Advisor of All Nepal Taekwondo Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal (2007--2008); Member of All India Taekwondo Dojang, New Delhi (2007--2008); Member of Nepal Engineering Council, Kathmandu (2001--2007); Member of Nepal Engineering Association, Kathmandu (2002--2007); Member of Nepal S. Korea Friendship Society (president since 2005).
Dr. Bhawana Rudra於2015年獲得印度阿拉哈巴德資訊科技學院(Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad)資訊科技博士學位。她在多個國際期刊(SCI)和國際會議(SCOPUS, DBLP)上發表了多篇研究論文,並出版了一本關於未來網際網路安全問題的書籍。她已在物聯網領域申請專利,並於2018年出版了一本關於靈活網路架構安全問題與原則的教科書,出版商為美國的Taylor and Francis。她曾獲得多個獎項,如新興研究者獎和優秀教育者獎,這些獎項來自於國際組織研究所(International Institute of Organized Research)澳大利亞分部以及Green Thinkerz,獲獎年份為2017年和2018年。目前,她在卡納塔克國立技術學院(National Institute of Technology, NIT Karnataka)資訊科技系擔任助理教授。她曾於2016年至2018年擔任印度Narsapur的B V Raju技術學院計算機科學與工程系的副教授,以及於2014年至2016年在印度Vasavi工程學院資訊科技系擔任助理教授。她的研究興趣包括物聯網、網路安全、分散式系統、區塊鏈技術和量子計算。
Dr. Anshul Verma於2011年和2016年分別在印度ABV-印度資訊科技與管理學院(ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior)獲得計算機科學與工程碩士及博士學位。他於2017年在印度卡哈拉格普爾科技學院(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)完成博士後研究。目前,他在印度瓦拉納西的班納拉斯印度大學(Banaras Hindu University)科學學院計算機科學系擔任助理教授。他曾於2015年至2017年在印度阿拉哈巴德的莫蒂拉爾·尼赫魯國立技術學院(Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, MNNIT)和詹姆謝德布爾國立技術學院(National Institute of Technology, NIT Jamshedpur)擔任教職。他的研究興趣包括無線感測網路、物聯網、移動自組網、分散式系統和形式方法。他曾作為多個會議的顧問委員會成員、會議主席和程序委員會成員,並在多本期刊擔任編輯委員會成員。他目前擔任印度瓦拉納西班納拉斯印度大學科學研究期刊(Journal of Scientific Research, BHU)的編輯。
Prof. Shekhar Verma於印度理工學院瓦拉納西(IIT BHU)獲得BTech、MTech和PhD學位。他目前在印度阿拉哈巴德資訊科技學院擔任資訊科技教授。他在知名的國際期刊上發表了超過100篇研究論文,並在國際會議上發表了超過80篇論文。他指導了20名博士生並處理了多個研發項目。他是阿拉哈巴德IIIT的「機器學習與優化小組」成員。他的研究興趣包括機器學習、無線感測網路、計算機網路、資訊與網路安全、車輛網路和密碼學。
Prof. Bhanu Shrestha於2004年和2008年分別在韓國光雲大學(Kwangwoon University)獲得電子工程碩士和博士學位。他目前在光雲大學電子工程系(Glocal Education Center)擔任教授。他的研究領域包括RFIC/MMiC、設計與製造、無線網路、物聯網等。他是ICT-先進工程學會(ICT-Advanced Engineering Society)的創始主任和副主席(2018年至今);曾擔任尼泊爾全國跆拳道學院(All Nepal Taekwondo Academy)首席顧問(2007-2008);曾是印度全國跆拳道道場(All India Taekwondo Dojang)成員(2007-2008);尼泊爾工程委員會(Nepal Engineering Council)成員(2001-2007);尼泊爾工程協會(Nepal Engineering Association)成員(2002-2007);尼泊爾-韓國友誼協會(Nepal S. Korea Friendship Society)成員(自2005年起擔任會長)。