Through four previous editions of Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, the author presents a wide variety of topics needed by today's engineers. For the fifth edition of that book, available now, this tome has been broken into two parts: topics currently needed in mathematics courses and a new standard-alone volume presenting topics not often included in these courses and consequently unknown to engineering students and many professionals.
The overall structure of this new book consists of two parts: transform methods and random processes. Built upon a foundation of applied complex variables, the first part covers advanced transform methods, as well as z-transforms and Hilbert transforms -- transforms of particular interest to systems, communication and electrical engineers. This portion concludes with Green's function, a powerful method of analyzing systems.
The second portion presents random processes -- processes that more accurately model physical and biological engineering. Of particular interest is the inclusion of stochastic calculus.
The author continues to offer a wealth of examples and applications from the scientific and engineering literature, a highlight of his previous books. As before, theory is presented first, then examples, and then drill problems. Answers are given in the back of the book.
This book is all about the future: The purpose of this book is not only to educate the present generation of engineers but also the next.
The main strength is the text is written from an engineering perspective. The majority of my students are engineers. The physical examples are related to problems of interest to the engineering students. Lea Jenkins, Clemson University
透過前四版的《使用 MATLAB 的高級工程數學》,作者介紹了當今工程師所需的各種主題。第五版的書籍目前已經出版,這本書被分為兩個部分:目前數學課程中所需的主題,以及一個新的獨立卷,介紹那些不常包含在這些課程中的主題,因此對工程學生和許多專業人士來說是未知的。
這本新書的整體結構由兩個部分組成:變換方法和隨機過程。第一部分建立在應用複變數的基礎上,涵蓋了高級變換方法,以及 z 變換和 Hilbert 變換——這些變換對於系統、通信和電氣工程師特別重要。這部分以格林函數結束,這是一種強大的系統分析方法。
這本書的主要優勢在於其文本是從工程的角度撰寫的。我的大多數學生都是工程師。物理範例與工程學生感興趣的問題相關。——Lea Jenkins,克萊姆森大學
Dean G. Duffy is a former mathematics instructor at the US Naval Academy and US Military Academy. He spent 25 years working on numerical weather prediction, oceanic wave modeling, and dynamical meteorology at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Prior to this, he was a numerical weather prediction officer in the US Air Force. He earned his Ph.D. in meteorology from MIT. Dr. Duffy has written several books on transform methods, engineering mathematics, and mixed boundary value problems including Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MatLab, fifth edition and Green's Functions with Applications, Second Edition, published by CRC Press.
迪恩·G·達菲(Dean G. Duffy)曾任美國海軍軍官學院和美國陸軍軍官學院的數學講師。他在NASA戈達德太空飛行中心從事數值天氣預報、海洋波浪建模和動力氣象學的工作長達25年。在此之前,他是美國空軍的數值天氣預報官。他在麻省理工學院獲得氣象學博士學位。達菲博士撰寫了幾本關於變換方法、工程數學和混合邊界值問題的書籍,包括由CRC Press出版的《使用MatLab的高級工程數學(第五版)》和《格林函數及其應用(第二版)》。